Post 2 A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Well, looking around proved to be quite a boring activity seeing as nothing special happened. Something he had been wondering when it would. Yes, not if, when. So Yoongi set his mind back at his own task of paralysing the desk dummy.
He aimed his Phoenix wand at the right leg, Turned it to the right and thrust it forward while saying"Manus invisibilis" No light. But the leg stopped flailing around though not completely. It had stopped for a few seconds and then it started flapping again. Sighing loudly, the Gryffindor hated it when he would succeed so easily one moment and the next he failed. He re-pointed his wand at the leg , did the same motion and incantation. But it failed a second time.
But he wasn't giving up! He determindly pointed his wand again. Turn it to the side and thrusted it forward while saying "Manus Invisibilis!" The leg flailed around, then stopped completely. A bit skeptic about this, Yoongi counted to five in his head and when it was still paralysed he woohoo'd in his mind.
A proud grin spread across his face as he pointed his wand back at the dummy. This ime its last arm. Casting the spell, he watched the invisible light of magic as it was casted against the arm and it stopped flailing immediately.
Ah, wasn't he a prodigy?
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