uhum. Everybody. Hi. This is for all of you. doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Despite whatever it may have looked like, Tiffany Price was not running late. She never ran late. She occasionally arrived fashionably late, but never just late. Because that would make her look careless. And if there was anything one should know about Tiffany Price, it would be that she is absolutely everything but careless. She was practically oozing 'care'. That much should've been obvious in the way she walked into the Ministry, letting her heels clack with purpose. The way that she dressed, far more extravagantly than necessary (as per usual). And the way that she peeked into the room making sure he had shown up before her. Which, by the way, is exactly why she had intended to show up later than usual.
Tiffany Price waited on no one. But everyone waited on Tiffany Price.
It was like the rules of living. #DUH.
Ahem. Anyways. The queen had arrived. Heels, outfit, and smile on point. As always.
But something was different. Ever since her second date with him, Tiffany Price had been acting... a bit uncharacteristically. Which would explain why she was smiling brightly at everyone in the room (a smile that actually wasn't being forced onto her face for the sole purpose of impressing her fans). Weird. She couldn't even stop herself. (Despite really, REALLY wanting to).
Tiffany was going to talk to EVERYBODY. So that they ALL knew how HAPPY she was. Okay, this isn't even funny anymore. Who in the name of Merlin's graying underpants decided to confund her this morning? We're blaming Ezra. Everything was always his bloody fault. ANYWAYS. Back to the point. She was going to talk to EVERYONE. Starting with that new face. Oh, wait... A new face? Tiffany walked right up to this new face person [Linda] (which okay she never payed enough attention to people to remember faces but she was SURE this one was new). "Hey! I'm Tiffany Price," uh, no despite how different she felt she wasn't going to shake hands. "Are you new?" Was that too blunt? Like she cared.
And then there was that guy [Daichi]. He wasn't' a stranger. But then again, Tiffany never really took the time to talk to him.... Let alone know his name. Oh. Uh. "Heeey--" whatsyourface "Did you have a good holiday?" Y'know, during the break and all? This is what normal, average people talked about, right? And of course she saw him. Him being Ezra Bellamy btw. But she had to go full circle before sitting by him because then she'd definitely forget to talk to anyone else. And this was the NEW and IMPROVED Tiffany Price. Well, temporarily anyways.
Her BOSS. Actually, Tiffany missed whatshisface. Was it Gavin? That sounded right. Well, she missed that guy. But this new woman wasn't all that bad. Except that Tiffany thought she needed some work in the style department and the 'trying to appear casual' department. Maybe that's why Tiffany had refused to go visit her in the past. Ahem. Well none of that seemed very important just now 'cause Tiffany was feeling GREEAAT. It was all Ezra's fault too. Merlin. "Hello Miss Cavanagh!" she let her voice do the sing-song thing, which normally would've felt weird and a big no-no but TODAY nothing seemed to matter. "I take it you've been doing well? Keeping busy?" Again, not that she really cared. People were supposed to ask HER about HER life so that she could tell them how HAPPY she was.
Speaking of which. Oh Ezraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ahem. Thankfully no one had stolen the seat next to him and it was HERS. Her rightful thrown. Of course she stopped by one of the refreshment tables to grab two teas (one for him and one for herself) before walking back towards the table and sliding into the seat next to his. "Hey, you," fortunately she was allowed to stop pretending that she hated his guts because he made her admit to feelings or whatever. So here she was. Being happy. EXPRESSING EMOTIONS???? What the heck?? Did she even have those!? ... Well, apparently yes.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |