CoMC Homework 1 - Post 4 Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
With the carcass filled bottle in one hand, Vaska under that arm, and her wand in the other, PLUS a squirming Vaska at that, she couldn't do it all standing up. So Zhenya decided she would put Vaska down on the ground whilst she prepared the bottle. Perhaps that was a bad idea, because the baby griffin was wobbling about at her feet, clawing at her legs, and actually ripped her stockings. "Oh Vaska, chill out. I'm getting it ready, I promise," she said warmly to her griffin, who looked up at her and stopped trying to claw at her legs. "Incendio," she said, pointing her wand into the opening of the bottle, drawing a flame shape with her wand. She held the small flame there for a few seconds until the carcass had melted. Now was time for water, of course. "Aguamenti," she said, waving a sideways-S towards the opening of her bottle, allowing a small amount of water to mix with the carcass. Putting the lid back on, Zhenya gave it a careful shake to mix water and carcass together to form a more warm, evenly textured meal.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |