~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi decided Henric WAS being serious. There was no way he would joke around with Princess being missing. He loved that toad as much as Adi loved his Guster... who was still with Benny. But, there was a more pressing matter at hand! "I'm sure. Do you reckon she could have gotten into any of the other dorms? I hadn't noticed her in the sixth year one.''
And of course he would help! Henric did not need ask at all. "Accio Princess!'' He was double checking with the spell work in case the distressed Henric had done sloppy work. But there was no Princess zooming towards either boy. "I don't think she's here.'' Poor Henric... and Ilia! Gosh! When she found out, Adi hoped she wouldn't blame Henric for being a bad toad co-owner.