COMC HW#1 - Post 1 C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
"Phelgon?" Cutty's voice called to his boy as he let himself in to see the baby griffin. He felt, shallow up, that we was being exploited for animal care labour and if he hadn't found the exercise useful in some way or another he might've been tempted to skive it off.
He entered the barnyard and saw that there weren't many people in here yet. Just him and a bunch of other Slytherins. Nod greeting to Zhenya and Ilia. Good afternoon, Snakettes. "Phlegon?" He called to the orphaned baby griffin. "Phlegonzo?"
Phelgz was still sleeping soundly in his bed growing and perhaps dreaming if baby griffins did such things.
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