SPOILER!!: Better than no hope? XD
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It didn't take any convincing to follow her, though admittedly he was a little disappointed that she had spared no acknowledgement for his beautiful biceps. Some people just didn't know how to appreciate the finer points in life.
His eyes trailed over the hedges warily, as if expecting pixies to pop out from the foliage at any second. He could still feel their gross little hands tugging and pulling......A shudder went through him and for a brief moment his feet deviated him closer to his partner. It was a display quickly corrected and followed-up by a flick to a leaf sticking in his path. A reminder that he was a wizard. He could do magic. Maybe not against pixies like Lex, but he had his reasons.
Reasons which she apparently wanted to know. It brought a frown of dislike to his lips. "My brother used to set hordes of them on me. Thought it was hilarious." His tone indicated he had thought otherwise. Still did.
"What do you have against them, that you'd prefer blasting them to oblivion as opposed to stunning them?" And that, was Plan H.
There was that saying around the Department, something about constant vigilence and right now that was Rhydian. With the way he was walking and staring around you could swear he was expecting a flood. Lex watched him carefully when he ventured closer, wondering if she would need to use her wand on him afterall but he quickly fell back into the right step.
Lucky him.
The frown and most certainly that tone, hinted at the fact the story wouldn't be all that good to begin with--not for Rhydian at least. Listening on she could easily see why.
"That's the problem with siblings." She grumbled, rolling her eyes only slightly.
"Dunno why people gush over them so much. Annoying nuisances forever ruining things." Just look, his brother got him screaming higher than a girl at the sight of
pixies. It was no great favour in the first place.
"What'd you set on him?" .............He did get payback...right....?
Lex shrugged when the question was turned back to her. What did she have against them?
"Absolutely nothing." They were...just pixies. Nothing particularly special about them and it didn't help that they were annoying.
"I just happen to like explosions more than pixies. Choice wasn't all that hard to make. Already told you, only creature I've ever been good at caring is Felix." Everything else received the same indifference unless she was given reason otherwise.