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Lysander remained reluctantly patient as this overly energized young woman warned him against companions that might not inform him of the reality of his eye sight and speak behind his back. He did not care about this advice and he did not care to be here any longer than necessary for his wand to be weighed. He eyed his wand in her hands warily, a distinct frown now added to his clenched jaw. What a nightmare of a girl this person was!
And THEN she had to nerve to suggest he would have better luck with women without his glasses! He was just about to tell her off entirely, grab his wand and proceed to his appropriate floor without this idiotic requirement when she grabbed. his. glasses. Before he could blink, she had taken his glasses from atop his nose and began to inspect them for herself, though of course he COULDN'T SEE THIS NOW. Lysander's now exposed eyes widened in horror at this act of supreme cruelty and barely registered her words as she introduced herself as Lex. The whole world suddenly became a more threatening mass of vague shapes and colors, he could hardly recognize his own two hands as he steadied himself by laying them flat on the counter which separated them. He never took his glasses off in public, not ever, rarely a once in his entire adult life. Mostly because he, you know, needed them!
Oh, now he was annoyed.
"Listen, Lex," he started, his voice dripping with a surprising darkness. "I don't know how this works for you normally, perhaps the majority of idiots that approach this counter enjoy being bullied out of their personal belongings. But I am not among them." His deep voice was indeed threatening, and yet there was clear panic in his facial expression. He was practically blind without his glasses, and yet of course wouldn't admit that. But it was relatively obvious in the way his exposed eyes didn't quite settle on her face but rather rested just past her left shoulder, assuming he was looking in the correct direction. Indeed, the girl was right about him -- once revealed, his green eyes were a relatively pretty sight, the darkest green with just the tiniest flecks of gold. And though still large and round, they weren't nearly as alarming or bug-like as they were behind the frames. His exposed porcelain face, though technically nice to look at, was clenched in an expression of deep distaste, his large eyebrows furrowed.
"Give. Them. Back. Now."
Closer inspection told her that these things were absolutely HUGE. Huger than when they'd been on his face. Was that even possible? Lex turned them over and over in her hand, held them up to look through them then went back to turning them over and over. For a moment the man was all but forgotten...until she remembered the point was to see his face.
Ah yes, now she remembered.
Lex dropped his glasses next to the wand, faaaar from where his hands had rested then turned to look at him again with a grin. COULD HE TELL SHE WAS GRINNING???
"Would you look at that, you aren't half bad to look at even with a personality that sucks doxy eggs. Don't worry, lots of girls don't really wanna talk and don't really wanna have deep conversations anyway. They'd never need to know you could make manticores cry." Just take her cousin for instance! Arisa didn't truly care about a single word that left a man's mouth.
She might have gone on giving her world class famous advice but then he...was calling her a bully? What now?
"I'm not bullying you. Don't be such a pansy. It's called taking an active interest in your well-being and I think someone needs to but clearly it won't be you."
Her face contorted into a rather stubborn look then. Brows set, eyes locked, arms folded. Give them back?
"I'm gonna have to ask you to make me. Could accio them. Oh wait. I took your wand too. Guess you'll have to ask nicely and start being a little more friendly or go without." His choice. She would let him think it through for a moment while she got this next visitor.
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Olly had finally spotted the guy who had said HER name instead of his own. WEIRDO! Also maybe dangerous? There was that possibility too. Not just confused but dangerous. Maybe he'd done it on purpose. There was a reason for all this wand weighing and stuff right now.
It was only when someone else said that they could confirm that SHE was in fact Olly Clarke, that she looked to the employees doing the security checks. OOoh. HELLO! At this she eventually sidestepped the weird guy (Peri) and moved up to stand in front of Lex. "Hey." And Penelope too, wow. "Hi." She was surrounded. Sort of. That was good though, yeah? It meant she actually knew people working here too. Not that she was particularly close with either of them – maybe Lex more than Penelope – but it was something.
They definitely had got on at school so.
Handing over her wand, Olly glanced at the guy again. "Call St. Mungo's maybe." It wasn't like SHE'd been asked for her opinion but she felt the need to offer it anyway. Weirdoooooooo.
Alexa took the wand when it was offered and turned to place it in the machine before going to rejoin the conversation. Dude was an absolute creep if he went around stealing names and as much as she was meant to be upset or even annoyed at the whole thing and how much it would set her back, Lex found herself excited. What if they
actually got to arrest him? How cool would that be??
"We could do that too." She mused in relation to Olly's suggestion.
"That's the place for nuts and loons anyhow...but I dunno." The young woman took a step back, eyeing him up and down.
"Reckon I'd prefer locking him down in one of our holding cells, see how long it takes him to crack and start screaming about his rights." Kinda like that lady from Mysteries. Hadn't taken her all that long in truth. That woman was just a little
too high strung. Must have been all the coffee.
"Oh, before I forget." Lex raised her wand, levitating another package from the bag.
"Starter stuff. You'll find a badge in here and a bunch of other orientation stuff you'll be needing." SPOILER!!: McCrae
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Which, seemed even more possible as the next person who had appeared at the table was the one she’d seen that very morning as she’d tried to figure out what to wear. She raised an eyebrow slightly at Gregory as he’d spoken, merely because the formality seemed as if it had been meant to disguise things yet seemed like it was much too obvious not to make people suspicious. She was at a table staffed nearly entirely by MLE after all. They were apt to suspect things, had they been paying attention. Alexa certainly seemed otherwise occupied, but there were others.
“Of course,” she replied after a moment. She could always hope no one read too much into what seemed glaringly obvious to her, that they knew each other. She didn’t mind if people knew they were dating, really, but making it seem as if it was illicit made her uncomfortable. Her identity wasn’t exactly a mystery anyhow, since practically all Ministry-wide memos went through her. If anything, her name ought to be a known fact, whether or not he was the first to call her as such. It was how he’d said it, not to mention the smirk and then the grin. He had to know he was treading a dangerous line with that.
While getting through with the wand weighing and pack handing out, Lex couldn't help but notice the guy that stopped to chat with the Level 1 lady. She didn't look all that happy to see him but the feeling obviously wasn't mutual with the way he was talking to and looking at her.
Friends? Half friends? More than friends?
Didn't matter.
"You gonna hand over your wand or not?" She asked him before turning to the lady who'd been harbouring him at the desk without doing any of the necessary checks.
"He doesn't go through unless he hands that thing over and he can't linger here either, we have a line to keep moving." Possibly said more for the man than the woman she'd addressed it to but she didn't mean it any less. What would Rainey say if he saw him lounging here? He'd think all the YATIs were slacking off and they most certainly were NOT.
Originally Posted by
Krel Ansell
Painful? What was painful? It took Adam a moment to realize she had been talking about his attempted smile. Then the woman went on to politely correct his English, which he appreciated. “Sorry,” he apologized. “English is not my language.” He felt the need to explain despite his heavy German accent. He watched the woman put his wand into the machine as he shifted his weight. The line seemed to be getting longer to at the very least, people were starting to crowd around him more. Adam was not fond of large crowds and not being in possession of his wand made his anxieties worse.
Adam tried to focus on what the female was saying instead of the clusters of people around him. Did she mention fighting crime? “Are you polizei?” he asked thinking of an acquaintance named Jory he had recently met in Diagon Alley. “I have a friend who is – Oarer here.” He blinked quite certain he was still pronouncing that word wrong.
She must have noticed his twitchiness and was mistaking it for fear that someone might jump him or rob him or some other oddity. Adam was used to people thinking him odd. He was about to explain that he was uneasy with the newness of the place and the crowds when the woman began answering his question about wand weighting for him. “Oh,” he responded as he didn’t really know what to say in response to her explanation. She must be bored, Adam thought, since she was going into great detail about the Security check point. Not that he minded; he enjoyed learning.
"I know." It didn't take much to figure that English wasn't his original language.
"Where you from? How come you decided to come to England to get a job?" Automatic questions for the young woman when she found there were foreigners up and about. It was kind of like when she met Rhydian and he mentioned being Welsh. Usually the stories behind the move were interesting enough so it was worth asking.
Polizei? Huh. She actually liked that word. Had a nice ring to it.
"Yeah..." Lex turned to levitate a pack over to him.
"Yeah...you could call us that. Law Enforcement really. I'm a YATI which basically means I'm a trainee Auror--the thing your friend is." She would get to that rank, just another two years and it would be hers.
"Who is your friend anyway?" She asked, sliding the package over to him.
"It's pretty standard stuff in there. Orientation package so a badge, some fliers, you know, the works." She would know, earlier they'd been required to put them together before everyone started arriving.
"Where are you gonna be working?" SPOILER!!: Luc
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Charely Potter
So whilst Luc was letting his wand be weighed and all that official securitiness, Lex did indeed recognise him! It was too bad he didn't bring any chocolate frogs with him today, so it looks like he'll be making up for that next time. "Oh yeah, Department of Magical Law Enforcement. That's why I've been studying so hard back then and doing all those extra work outs and-" Before he could ramble on the question then came.
The New YATI? He nodded, "That's right." Giving a little salute as his heels clicked together at attention stance, "New YATI Auror Trainee, reporting for duty." Okay, so he may have wanted to do that for a while and there was the possibility on that not being meant to be done here. But oh well, it was now out of his system as he went back to his relaxed stature earlier. "Is there anything else you need, sir?" For extra proof or what not.
How cool was that? They'd ended up working in the same Department and the same division at that. She'd have never guessed but it was a nice surprise all the same.
"Guess I should officially say congratulations and welcome to the team, huh? You're gonna love, especially all the training we get to do if you're into that sort of stuff. Patrols are neat too...until you have to do the paperwork after." She made a face at the mention of paper work, realizing that eve though she'd missed work, she had not missed that and was NOT looking forward to getting back into that.
Lex watched Simon get him processed and tell him he was all clear. Guess that meant he was free to head inside while they were all still stuck out here. Merlin, he was lucky.
"Enjoy the orientation, we'll have pleny of time to catch up after." Both being YATIs would make that very much possible.
SPOILER!!: Lynley
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Lynley heard the....young woman's words and simply let her cold gaze steel over this girl's face...and figure, in general. She was part of security? How....interesting and accepting of the Ministry. But she did give off the aura of..spunk and confidence. So maybe Lynley SHOULD trust this child with her safety. Spunk and confidence was a lot more than many of the people here seemed to show.
"Chopped flobberworms can be quite useful in some potions." She said dryly in response. "Lynley Purcell, new Transportation head." She said as she....briefly introduced herself to the girl. It was good to get her name out there...she didn't expect anyone to ooh and aaaah over her job title...but it WAS her job title, so there.
Regardless, Lynley wasn't going to pass judgment on this one just yet. Plus, this other person...this...medallion toting person...needed Lynley's attention, clearly.
The look the woman was giving her had been noted and in it's own way returned though without the ice the older woman's gaze possessed. In the end it was a rather plain gaze in truth, one that marginally spoke to her being thus far unimpressed by this lady that thought it best to look down on the people who were in charge of protecting her life.
Her features loosened into a sort of deadpan at the woman's retort.
" 'm not a potion ingredient. I was made for better use than that." To be chopped and ingested, what a life that was.
Lex might have gone on to more but then the woman started introducing herself. Might have said she didn't care til she heard Transportation. That had Lex's face light up remarkable.
"So then....if I pretend to be nice to you and let you think I have a lick of manners then I get favours? Like renewing my international apparition license without having to go through all the tedious paper work??"
Yes? YES?
"Aw, lady, why didn't you say so sooner? Name's Lex? You can call me Lex. So listen, I think I'm good for at least another couple months but then it's gonna need taking in and I'm not the type to stick around one continent for too long, y'know what I'm saying?" SPOILER!!: Aron
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And it seemed the drama continued. This was most definitely his cue to officially leave. A sass-off between a YATI, looking to prove herself, and a new department head, also looking to prove herself, was not the place he wanted to be.
Cambridge as a babysitter? Seren had often spoken fondly of her, so perhaps that could be a real possibility. "I'll keep that in mind," he winked before taking his leave and finally heading towards orientation proper.
Food. That needed to happen. Food and drink.
Wait what...what?
Turned her back for like 2.5 seconds and he was winking and leaving? How did that even happen...? Wha...?
Lex blinked and watched the retreating figuring of the gorgeous Department Head as he got further and further away from her. Was it something one of those weirdoes with the necklaces said? Huh. Strange.