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The thoughts in his mind whirred about until the consensus that Healer Murdoch was going to eat the rat raw was reached. Though instead of disgusting him it seemed to add to her survivalist charm. Cutty didn't question this. Even on a good day he was opinionated but not exactly judgmental. Content to let (and in some cases encourage) the pieces on the board move as they will and then simply exploiting the natural formation.
The impressed smile, however was replaced as the delicate hand of his Head of House drew the rat closer to his face where it dangled from the momentum. "Ugh! Healer, put that thing away before I lose me sticky toffee pudding and make the doongeon dehrtier." He moaned.
"Nothin'." But the words came out a bit too quickly thus giving them an air of utter discredibility. "Maybe I'm joost stunned by yer exceptional beauty."
Healer Murdoch lowered the rat when Cutty mentioned losing his pudding. Healer or not, she did not want anyone
losing anything on her.
"There will be no losing of anything Mr. Mordaunt." Except maybe the filth on those dungeon walls once she got done with the house elves.
Not wanting to get rid of the rat, because she still had plans of feeding it to the snake, she put it behind her back so it was out of Cutty's sight.
"You really think I'm going to believe there's nothing wrong with you?" She asked as she placed her empty hand on his forehead.
"You're burning up!" Which would most likely explain the delirious state he was in.
"We need to get you to the infirmary."
Could he walk or did he need her to help him?