Post 4 Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh
Once it was a blended soft, warm meat smoothie, she checked the temperature to make certain that it was warm but not scalding. Sindri had been watching intently....perhaps she had already imprinted on the bottle. That would make things easier. She re-wrapped her excited ball of feathers up in the blanket and smiled down at her. "Its yummy yum time baby girl."
Taking the bottle she offered it to the little griffin in her lap. At first the baby just sniffed at it, but when she decided to nip at it Ilia lightly squeezed just a little into her tiny open beak. Excitement.....that was the only word to describe Sindri's reaction. She squawked and eagerly nipped at the bottle wanting more. Ilia couldn't help but laugh a little as the eager ball of feathers frantically nipped for more and more.
It took a little time, but she slowly fed her baby the entire bottle a bit at a time so she didn't take it down too fast. Once the bottle was consumed, the baby was very calm in her blanket nest on the fourteen year olds lap. She saw the baby slowly start to seem tired, droopy little eyes. Her little beak clicking as she settled against Ilia. Her heart was stolen, hook line and sinker. She was head over heels in maternal love and cradled the baby against her, smiling in awe as she caressed Sindri's feathers. She really hoped the professor would let them care for them more than just this class. |