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Bazinga Eden was full of questions and Cassie just adored it. She loved questions, "Oh no, you wouldn't want to use just any blood. Ancient rituals called for you the Diviners own blood or to make it even more accurate the person's blood you were doing the reading on. I would not have you do that and many have changed the practice in using the Dragon blood for it's magical properties. Oils are used because oils are sacred and are found in many forms of rituals as well as spiritual things, so many diviners see it as magical within itself." She had plenty of books to show if anyone was even more interested in this.
Eden nodded...oh..okay. That was...very interesting. Hmm. "Do you think I could come talk to you later today in your office, professor?' she asked. She was just...feeling very curious right now was all....
"I'll bring a snack...do you care for anything in particular?" she smiled because..well...it was her last term, and Eden would miss this place and wejbwfhwuflhi. She loved Professor Morgan.
She stood to grab a brownie though, for her departure. BROWNIES RULED.