Mini Activity + Moonsbane Question A Poop * k8 *
So Flamsteed was giving them cookies. Eden liked cookies. And to be specific, they were Oreos, so Eden REALLY had no complaints. She was about to like the cream in the center off when he told them to make a moonchart...well then. FINE. At least they still got to eat them, or else that'd be a very big waste of perfectly delicious cookies.
She made her little moon chart, licking off the right amount of cream with each cookie, eating the cookie parts that she wasn't using, the parts not connected to the cream. Ugh. SO GOOD. Eden wanted water now, though...poop. It was pretty simple to do. She left one cookie with ALL the cream on, and eyed it..yeah, she was COMIN' FOR YOU IN A MINUTE, COOKIE! DON'T THINK YOU'RE SAFE. A liiiiiittle bit scraped off the second one....this one also got a squint from Eden. She went on and on until the chart was done...and then Professor Cosgrach was speaking and Eden wanted to SINK.
Maybe if she slid clean under her desk she could skip the potions portion of things. Her confidence level was SO LOW for this subject....she wanted to eat her cookies in peace. Ugh. But right before she was about to sink underneath her desk, she sighed and sat back up. He had asked a question, and Ravenclaws couldn't just IGNORE a question unless they didn't know the answer. And Eden did know...something about the wolfsbane potion. "Well...wolfsbane potion is ACTUALLY made from the wolfsbane plant, the leaves, which are suuuuuuper toxic, you know." She nodded. She had done research on this plant for one of her Quill articles. That article...really had helped her learn stuff, what d'ya KNOW!