Post 2 - Professor/older student help please! Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Marsha knew that next she had to get the bottle ready to feed Cadfael, couldn’t very well have a dirty bottle. That was how germs and bacteria were spread. She knew all about that from Alis’ bottles, they were always washed in majorly powerful disinfectant and water so hot that she couldn’t touch it… and then because her Mam was funny, scourgified anyway.
Silly Mammy… but at least Alis was happy and safe.
Just like Cadfael would be. If only she could finally get her wand and her magic to co-operate and help her scourgify something. So far, she hadn’t been successful in potions, opting to clean everything twice in the sink. Today would be the day… well, at least it could be. Maybe. With a bottle resting just in front of her, and Cadfael wrapped happily in hollow her crossed legs made and her fingers petting at his head, she tried. ”Scourgify.”
Nope. Nothing. Sigh. ”Skourjify! Scurgofy. Scoorgify.” Siiiigh. She nibbled on her bottom lip, looking around to see if the Professor was free or if any of the older students could help her out. She just wanted to make sure that it would be safe for Cadfael to drink from. Why wasn’t she better at magic yet? ”Scourgeefy!” Nope. ”Um… Excuse me? Could someone clean this for me? I can’t manage.” SIGH. She wouldn’t cry though, ‘cause she was holding a BABY GRIFFFFIN!!!!
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