This human was crazy! Almost not human to (Henry) the hippogriff with his wrong attempts to get his attention. How dare such a human speak to him that way? (Henry) had enough nerve built up to kick him as his eyes glared almost misting in anger. SQUAWK!
But he could not. As angry as this Hippogriff was. (Henry) did not ever intend to kill a human at its worst. Only maim or injure.. But that had to wait because the snow was moving even closer...... to the human! SQUAWK!
That's it human. You were coming with (Henry). The human was now a target and the only way to keep the danger from going back after his friends too was to take the bait with him. With another loud squawk, (Henry) lowered his claws and his head to scoop up the human onto his feathery back.
And they were off. Off into the Forbidden Forest they went. (Henry) would need to pick up the speed again and take off in flight at the first sight of clearing through all these trees. Wherever it was. They could try to come back after. SQUAWK!
And the moving snow continued following right behind them...
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