Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya listened intently to everyone's answers and facts about the Mandrakes, making mental notes of their answers, as well as Professor Headmistress Truebridge's responses and comments.
But now Truebridge wanted them to describe it to the class. She commented "I always thought the leaves reminded me of spinach plants. You know, the big spinach, not the baby spinach leaves." But not so much in how the plant looked like something fat had sat on it and squished it. What else could she describe about the plant? Well, nothing really. Everyone was doing that, and a good job too. She noted the way everyone explained the characteristics of the plant and other useful or random facts. Zhenya thought that touching it would be okay, and she liked to get dirty. But gloves were a must, so she pulled her own dragon hide gloves out and put them on, walking forward to touch it. What other information could she say about them? "They look like the organic purple carrots my cousin buys. Each carrot seems to have four ends." It was true, they looked more like one of those wooden back massagers, or wire head massage/tickler things than a carrot. "Can you imagine peeling every nook and cranny of those things?" Zhenya never peeled them, she just chopped them up, much to Sophia's disgust. She didn't have much else to say, so she stepped back to let others come and have a play with the Mandrakes.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |