1 Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight
Hearing Thompson speak up about how to check if the griffins were boys or girls, Toby followed his instructions, running his fingers down Griffin's feathers from head to tail. Holding and tilting the creature, taking a look. Griffin was a GIRL. That was neat.
Toby gave her a hug. Just for being awesome. Though it seemed she was more interested in nipping at his ear and trying to climb all up over his head, a little like Staco had been as a puppy, actually. "Ack! Griffin!" he giggled - yes, giggled... it TICKLED, okay? - squirming to free his oh-so-sensitive neck from those tickly feathers. "I gotta... get you a... *GIGGLE* ... Accio!" Toby had managed to point his wand towards the blankets and summoned one over while his Griffin baby crawled all over him. Maybe that's why she'd been drawn to him; they were kindred spirits with all the energy. "C'mere, you..."
He felt mean doing it, subduing Griffin by wrapping her up int he blanket, but he knew it was so he'd be able to feed her, and food was super important.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |