Post 1 Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Oops. Wrong answer. Never mind, Zhenya had already crossed out her answer and put in Ethan's answer. She would do some more research on that tonight if she had the chance, otherwise she would add it to her list of key concepts to research in preparation to NEWT's. But wait, the readings were taken from the underside of the turtle shell? UNDERSIDE? As in... see you later Mr. Turtle, let me see inside your shell? Oh Merlin...
But it was okay, because Professor Cassie explained everything to them and showed them a turtle shell and explained that they had not been taken by harming turtles. Okay, well she could do it then. Ahh, so the vials were of oil and dragon blood? So no experiments then, that was okay. But if dragon blood worked better, then Zhenya decided she would probably use dragon blood too. She wrote down some dot points under the title, so that she knew what they were doing and what its purpose was. And there were their oracle bones, coming towards them. Zhenya left hers on her desk where it landed, deciding she would have a touch once Professor Cassie had finished speaking to them.
First things first, was to carve her name in it. Getting her wand out of the pocked inside her robes, Zhenya pointed it at the shell and carved in her letters; Z-H-E-N-Y-A.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |