Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Wasn’t it just precious? She watched Bob chase his ball and couldn’t help but giggle and snap. “Turtles are just fun creatures aren’t they?” Seriously though she could watch this turtle chase his ball all day, but they had a lesson to continue with. SPOILER!!: answers Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya just had to let out a giggle watching Bob chasing his ball. He was cute and it was funny watching something so small chasing around something so big.
Zhenya hadn't really thought of how she could use the shell of the turtle to perform divination, but apparently it was a method. But she had heard something, using some bone or something or rather to read but she had no idea what specifically it read. Raising her hand she said "Professor there's something to do with Scapul... scapula-imancy or something like that. People read the bones of dead animals, but obviously a turtle can be alive with its shell and all its designs on the shell intact." Thank Merlin it was a turtle and not an innocent animal they would have to do unthinkable things to.
__________________ Cassie looked to the first person to answer the question and gave her snaps, “Very good guess Zhenya, Scapulimancy is the reading of shoulder blades and yes they need to be dead animals because of the fire, but this will not be what we are doing today.” She didn’t want to say quite yet that the turtles were not living to do the reading, so she’d leave that for a moment or so later. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Kace had no idea that they could teach a turtle how to play with a ball. I mean turtles were animals too they could do whatever they wanted. He would try to get his cousins turtle to do this eventually. He chuckled at the idea and now onto the question at hand. He had NOOO idea what the form was called. I guess maybe it had the word shell in it? He shrugged and listened to the Slytherins answers. Oh right it was Zhenya, she seemed to be knowing what she was talking about. "Professor I am gonna agree with Zhenya here and go with scapulaimancy. It sounds pretty legit to me." He was just backing up the girls answer to make her feel more confident is all.
__________________ Turning her eyes towards Kace, Cassie gave him a nod and some snaps, [b] “Well that’s a great thought Kace, but just as I said to Zheyna that is the study of shoulder blades and is not the form we will be using for our lesson today. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Oh, right! Adi had really forgotten about turtles being swimmers too! He nodded happily at Professor Cassie, totally missing his snaps. But then again she was holding the turtle... which couldn't be petted or patted or snugged or anything. Maybe it was a good thing. The poor thing would probably get tired of everyone.
The Hufflepuff's eyes followed Bob and his ball as he listened to Cassie. Mutant? Like the Ninja turtles? Hehe. Wouldn't it be SO darn awesome if Bob was one of those? Then it could teach the class ninja moves! HIIIIIIYA!
With his eyes still fixed on Bob, Adi raised his hand. "I'm not sure of what the method is called but is it possible the correct method reading is done by the seeker asking a question then fixating on one of the designs or pattern on the turtle's shell to do a reading to get answers to his or her question?'' And could they just watch Bob and his ball for this lesson? The turtle was so fascinating and amusing! She was so glad everyone was enjoying Bob’s trick, it was so fun to watch. Turning to Adi as he answered with his own thoughts, she gave him snaps. [b] “A reading is done by a Diviner, but it doesn’t have to be a seer. Back when it first originated people probably looked only ones with a special gift instead of Diviners who studied just like yourselves. Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Eden smiled a little. "I'm good, Professor," she said simply. Heh. Today was going to be a good. This would be a good class, she just KNEW it. She had the VIBES for it....and when Professor Morgan read her snap cup entry, Eden beamed.
THAT WAS HERS! SHE WAS ALL CAUGHT UP ON HOMEWORK. HEHEHE. It made her happy and she snapped for herself because Eden McGee deserved snaps for herself sometimes, gosh darn it!
TURTLE!!!! Omg. Eden almost died right on the spot. SHE KNEW A THING OR TWO ABOUT TURTLES! REPTILES, YEAH! She was going to raise her hand and say ALL KINDS OF THINGS ABOUT TURTLES--like how turtles didn't deal with the cold well, and that Europe only had TWO kinds of turtles, really--and that--
Oh she could have gone on. She could have. She loved turtles. Snakes, more, but turtles were cool, too. But she was so focused on which facts she should say...when...
They moved on.
It was such a pity, Eden frowned SLIGHTLY but then....just relaxed. Because they were talking about Divination turtle things. Eden didn't think this was the answer Morgan was looking for, but she raised her hand and cleared her throat. "Well..I know some people used to use them in oracle bone readings..." Looking to Eden, Cassie gave a huge grin and snapped her fingers. “Wonderful knowledge Eden, it is Oracle bone readings. Very good.” She had some of the brightest minds in her class she was always so proud of them. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel had no idea what this form of divination would be called and so she decide that she would have a guess, she raised her hand and looked at the Professor. "I'm not sure if this is right but isn't it something like Oracle bones, and you have to clean the shell of meet and other stuff so that you just have the shell, otherwise the reading might be wrong." Angel smiled as she stopped there she hoped that this was right. Giving snaps to Angel she nodded, “Very good it is Oracle Bones and yes it is better to have a clean shell then a dirty one. There are a few rules to what type of shells and we will get to that in a second.” No need to rush the information too much. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred Ethan gave Bob the turtle a finger wiggle as soon as the pet and Professor Cassie passed by. Merlin, such judgemental turtle he was. Did anyone take not of its face? And speaking of face reading…he came across this kind of Divination when he was researching about Physiognomy! Professor Cassie dropped a clue, saying that the form of divination that they will be learning today was one of the oldest recorded form of divination. That being said, the Chinese were the first to practice it, same with Physiognomy!
But what was it called??? Zhenya had mentioned Scapulamancy… “No…no it’s not Scapulamancy…that one uses an ox’s scapular bone…” he muttered to himself as he fished out his notes, and flipped through his research on Physiognomy. He knew he wrote it somewhere…
Ethan raised his hand with his notes covering his face. “Uh…it’s Plastermancy…? No…not plaster. Merlin, I can’t even read my own handwriting. Er…Plas…Plastromancy. Yes. Plastromancy because…the Chinese people used a turtle’s plastron…or its underside for it?” Whoops. Nerd alert! But whoa wait. They are not going to do the reading on Bob right? Because…well…ugh. Never mind.
Ethan placed his hand down, feeling his face go warm. He’s not used to giving such precise answers. Well, he can’t be blamed though. He’s on a mission to master a certain form of reading, so it was just natural to come across another form of Divination, especially if it came from the same provenance. Turtle-underside reading happens to be one of them.
__________________ She couldn’t help but blink and then grin at Ethan. Her pride for the boy wasn’t showing at all, nope not at all by the huge grin on her face and the snaps that were going. “Very good Detective Ethan. You hit it right on the head. The form we will be using today is Plastromancy and it is the underside of the shell.” She gave him a few more snaps before moving on the next person. Quote:
Originally Posted by slytherinSistah Look at it.
It was...taking on the ball. Was it some sort of natural instinct or did the turtle really realize it was locked into a game. A game he could not possibly hope to win. For the ball would never tire. Nature knew what it was doing when it brought balls and turtles together for only a turtle was a match for a ball, able to age at about the same rate. Locked in a battle of time.
Maybe that was just it. Turtles being a symbol for time and thus being thought of as being privy to the past as well as the present in some society somewhere when people were first recorded using the animals for divinatory purposes. Cutty put his hand up to offer an answer he knew couldn't possibly be right. "TURTURMANCY!!!" He laughed a bit at the way that sounded. Then considered naming his first born son Turturmancy if for no other reason the joy of calling him in for dinner, cause of course he'd be out in the streets running amok and learning things. "I think you'd probably read a shell by looking looking at the patterns on the bach. All the little..." his finger created many mini air circles. "Swehrls and dark bits." Could Cutty Mordaunt just created a new form of Divination? Cassie looked at Bob the box turtle for a moment thinking about his words and about how the turtle could be used in other ways. Her mind moving around in all the forms she had been trained on. Would it be possible? That was such a cool name for one either way. He got snaps for creativity, [b] “As much as I love the name you have just given that is not a form of Divination or one we will use today. We look at their shells but in just a bit different way. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer`11 Janelle started writing as soon as the first student began to speak. She wanted to write down all the information she could about turtles. Never knew when that info might come in handy. The writing continued as Professor Cassie talked about turtles as pets. Janelle had a friend once who had a pet turtle and he was kinda fun to watch.
Not as much fun as Bob the turtle though. This animal did tricks. Janelle had to hold back a laugh when Bob began to chase the ball. Now that was something you didn't see every day. Then a question. Janelle wasn't sure of the answer, but she decided to give it a shot. She raised her hand tentatively and started to speak.
"I think you might read a turtle's shell by looking at the patterns in it. Maybe where the lines are means something specific." As for the particular form of Divination, Janelle had no idea. Giving Janelle snaps for her thoughts Cassie grinned, “So many of you think it is the patterns of their shells, which is a great answer. They have so many different patterns that it could very well be a way of predicting something, but the way we are going to do it today is something a little different.’ Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack So they WERE going to read a turtle to tell the future. Huh. Divination just got stranger and stranger by the minute. It really was a wonder why he stayed in this class after OWL level. Merlin. But how the heck was he supposed to know what turtle reading was called? The Gryffindor listened to answers some of the others gave and furrowed his brows together in deep though because what the absolute HUH was an oracle bone? No, no those answers made absolutely no sense.
For the first time in history, Cutty Mordaunt's answer made the most sense out of anyone's. Something must be going wrong with the world.
After a few more seconds of thinking and doodling on his parchment, the Gryffindor slowly raised his hand. "Is it called, uh, Turtle-Shell-Oh-mancy?"It was like a rule. All the forms of divination ended with --Omancy, so really his guess was just as good as anyone else's. Had she thought about how awesome creative answers were? Well she thought that Zander’s was just as great as Cutty’s and he got snaps. “I think you and Cutty could really put your heads together and come up with some great inventions with your creative thoughts. As fun as that name is that is not what we will be using today.” Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Awww man. AJ was completely bummed out about not being able to hold Bob. She was pretty sure the turtle would love her. AJ had that way with animals. Maybe professor Morgan was a greedy turtle owner. Actually, she could understand that because she wouldn't be letting just anybody touch her unicorns... you know, when she got them. A ball!!! Was he going to keep his balance on it? She was even more intrigued than she was earlier.
Zander got a snort. Yes, he did. "I agree with Zander." His made the most sense in her mind. It sounded like something Divination would use as a name. The lion prefect had her vote. "I think maybe we could do the readings based off of how soft or rigid the markings on his shell is?" Maybe as an add on to them using the markings as readings. Looking to Aj, Cassie gave her snaps for her answer, “You would think that would be something to go off of, but for today it won’t be what we read. Great thoughts though.” She was very proud of her students thought process. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nanyjj Leah smiled at Jackson as he joined her at her lab table. He was really quiet though, which made her wonder if there was anything wrong. The lesson was beginning though, which only gave her enough time to return Norah's wave before she turned her attention to Professor Cassie.
She laughed out loud, watching Bob the box turtle chase his exercise ball. He must be the CUTEST thing that ever set foot on this Tower. Anyway, back to the discussion.
There was this question again, guessing the name of the Divination form. As Leah had no idea what it was called, she listened to her friends' replies. "I think I agree with Cutty's answer," she said DEAD SERIOUSLY. Well, it made the most sense, riiight? Zander's seemed right too but Turturmancy sounded better. As for HOW to read a shell, she honestly remembered reading it in her textbook. It was just that she did not understand a word of what it was talking about.
The Fifth Year opened her journal and took notes on what her classmates were contributing, except the bits that just sounded wrong. “If I didn’t know exactly what we were doing today I’d say I’d agree with Cutty as well. It was a very thought out answer, but unfortunately it isn’t what we are using today.” She did though give Leah snaps for answering. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Toby wanted to hug the turtle. He really really did. Did they like hugs, orrrr...? They didn't seem cuddly but then even the non-cuddly things in life would probably appreciate hugs, just nobody ever wanted to provide them. That was kinda sad. But then what if they DIDN'T want hugs, and they were just non-hugging things, so that was why they LOOKED like they weren't very huggable. Huh.
It was a good minute or two before Toby realised his thoughts had gone very very much off track, what with thinking about turtles and hugs and all of the things, and by the time he'd tuned back in everyone else was providing answers to the questions he'd missed. But he could sort of guess what the questions had been by the sort of responses coming from everyone else.
"Turtolomancy, maybe," he provided, hand raised, because people were providing what sounded like probable titles for turtle divining. And it ALSO sounded like she'd asked about... the methods? "And I dunno how to do it. But I bet it has something to do with whatever these are." Toby lowered his hand again and used it to pokepokepoke at the vials in the middle of the desk, looking at the professor expectantly for either denial or confirmation. Looking to Toby Cassie grinned, it seemed they had another great thinker in the room. He got snaps for his answer, "I do enjoy these educated guesses. They are wonderful, but that is not the form we will be doing today. Very good try though." She couldn't help but grin at his eager hints to use the vials, "We will be using those in just a moment and yes they are part of the lesson today." That was all she was giving for now though. Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven Jackson was quite distracted watching the turtle chasing the ball. Hehehe. He always found creatures were adorable. But then Professor Cassie asked another question.
Using the shell of turtle as the form of divination?
He'd never heard about that before, though himself came from one of the countries in East Asia but... Hey! He's from Seoul, South Korea and there are some countries there like... China! Okay, maybe it originally came from China. And he didn't have any idea about what it was called. "I dunno what it was called but I think we uh... read the pattern of the shell?" The Korean boy answered doubtfully. "We will be looking at the shell today, but not the patterns. Those are all very great answers though. Keep up the great thinking." She gave Jackson snaps for his awesome try!
Scooping up Bob and placing him in a box on the table Cassie turned back to the class. “You all have had some wonderful answers, but Ethan hit it spot on. Today we are going to be practicing Plastromancy. It is one of the oldest forms of Divination and originated in China. Like Eden had mentioned first it uses the Oracle Bone.” Picking up an empty turtle shell she pointed towards the bottom. “The shell has two parts to it. The oracle is the lower part.” Having the shell already cut apart she separated it and set down the top part showing them only the Oracle bone. “Now none of the shells you will be using were taken from any living turtles. No turtle was harmed in gathering these shells. I have a friend with a turtle pond and she gathers the shells as she finds them.” With her gift Cassie would never dream of harming an animal, even if it was for Divination. “Now this form of Divination was done to predict different things, the weather, crop planting, and the future of the Royal Family. The Diviner would carve a small name in the shell of which they wanted to do the prediction for. Then because it is ancient times there would be a ritual that was formed. This is where some called it a bit darker, such as our gastromancy was. The vials in front of you will be used for the ritual part. One is dragon’s blood the other is oil. Some Diviners felt dragon’s blood brought out the cracks more where others felt the oils did. I will let you choose which you want to use.” She looked around the room to see if they were keeping up. Waving her wand she sent Oracle Bones to each student. “Now you will each have your own shell. First you will take your wand and carve in a small area your name, because you will want to do the prediction for yourself. Then you will pour a bit of the blood or the oil on your shell. Not both just one.” She demonstrated these two steps using the blood on her own. “For the next step at each table you will two small pokers. Heat the end with your wand and then push it into the shell. The heat will make the shell crack. Those cracks will be how we do our reading. Once you are finished with the poker please set it in the small bucket of water on the floor near your table.”
Taking the poker, Cassie heated it and pushed it gently into the shell. Seeing it cracking she set down the poker and held up her shell. “You will see something like this when you are finished. You have ten minutes to do these steps. Do you have any questions?” OOC: Just as Cassie said go ahead and have your charrie work with the shell in front of them. Pick either a blood or Oil Vial and have them pour it over the shell, then RP getting a poker and pressing heat on the shell which will make it crack. The cracks can be how you want them. It wouldn't crack it all the way through or a chunk off, this is just cracking on the first layer. So more of straight across, up and down, some zig zag type cracks. You will have until 11:00 a.m. EST to finish this part of the lesson It should take you at least two post to do.
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