Something's spooked the Hippogriffs
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HIPPOGRIFFS! One of the Hippogriffs (Monty) did give the younger man and that object he held a simple look. How nice of him it was to give him so much pets and attention. Some of the other Hippogriffs surveyed taking account at the amount of humans. Pretty far away and paying little attention to them. Good. They did not feel like moving or bowing to visitors just yet on this tickling snowy day.
There was a weird sensation going over one. Which then spread over two, to three to the rest. As the snow below seemed to be moving...
Move over humans. This was not the place to relax anymore, as the whole group were stamping their claws over the crunchy ground, while three (Henry, Buddy and Charlene) were heading toward the fence behind the gathering of humans looking for an escape.