be curious, not judgmental Oh... oh. Wait, what? Did he think she was insulting him? "Oh, no, professor-- I didn't-- I mean, I wasn't implying that anything was wrong with your brain, you're the most brilliant person I know. No, I know," she assured, to knowing he has a fully functioning brain. He was, too. She'd meant no harm.
Of course... it did seem that she had read his intentions the wrong way. Well, no, it seemed that at first she had read his intentions correctly, but she convinced herself otherwise because it was easier. But he... really... did care? About HER as a person? He even said it himself - "not just academically." That sentiment meant the world to her, and she had to fight to keep her emotions in check. No crying in front of this professor, that was for sure.
She just knew better.
He went on, then, to clarify even further, and it was harder to keep her expression stoic. Sophie couldn't help but smile at his offer to contact potential employers and universities, though, and the Ravenclaw briefly looked down at her hands clasped in her lap before responding, "I would appreciate that very much, professor. I'll keep that offer in mind." She wasn't sure that she'd even need it yet, but... depending on how things continued to unfold in this whole Dakest-Cult of Walpurgis thing, that kind of reassurance from a highly-esteemed authority figure such as himself would undoubtedly speak volumes. A very valuable asset indeed.
"It is kinda hard," she admitted finally, but dismissed the feelings behind her words with a shrug, and alternated between looking down at her hands and back up at him while she spoke. "But s'nothing I can't handle. I'm fine. I've gotta be - I've got too much to do, too many people to set a good example for as a student leader... too much to fight for. I'll be okay. I just need to find my thing - like, you've got all your coping mechanisms, and... I've already gone for runs every morning since I was a first year. My mind's clear while I'm doing that, but as soon as I return back to the castle, it's back to... real life, and everything that's on my plate. Y'know?" Another shrug. So she had to find other things. "But that's life, though, isn't it? S'not supposed to be easy. Bad things are gonna happen," and it may have been clear at this point that she wasn't just referring to article-related things, "but we'll get through 'em. That's what we have... friends and family for. People whose strength we can rely on when we're running out of our own... right?"
It was hard when all your favorite people to go to were the ones causing you dismay, though. But... she supposed that meant there was importance in having lots of people to rely on and not taking people for granted, right? The whole mantra about... not laying all one's eggs in one basket or something. It was probably good to have lots of people to depend on, and she did, but she just didn't always take advantage of that. And maybe that was her problem.
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