...so the Illuminati and these manuscripts were NOT related. Well okay then. FINE FINE. Eden would believe it....for now. MAYBE THIS IS WHAT GLENDOWER WANTED HER TO THINK, EEEEEH?
But seriously, she had to go get supplies and whatnot because APPARENTLY they were making one? A mini one? A real one? Regardless, Eden thought it was a fun, cool activity. Art was relaxing, and it put Eden's ever-ringing mind at ease.
She didn't get any gold or silver inks just yet...she'd let someone else use them first. But she wanted to make sure she got aaaalllll the colors she wanted. Mostly blues and greens...cool colors. Maybe ONE warm color like red or something just to make it POP. Oh. That was nice....Eden would do that! She grinned and tucked all of the paints she wanted to use under her arm and made her way back to her seat to wait for the examples to get 'round to her. She had no idea what hers should look like....maybe she would do a completely nontraditional one? Maybe that wasn't the
point though...hmm....
Eden took the first example and bit her lip. Cool, cool, iT WAS MOVING. Eden wanted hers to move....that was BRILLIANT. She looked through them all, the moving ones really drawing her attention because magic was just COOL, okay? She wondered if they'd make theirs move...or if she'd have to go talk to another professor about it. Like Quiggles or something.
So they were well preserved...because no one read them. Wow. Eden knew the times had been bad during the Middle Ages...but seriously? WOW. She blinked a lot and scribbled that down in her notebook.
She raised her hand.
"Well...I think that they kept them for decorative purpose...and also, the gold and silver are kinda' fancy...maybe it made people look FANCY when visiting other people....a sign of wealth and prestige or something." That made sense to her.
She did the crazy amount of folding, which essentially was folding the parchments into quarters, and pulled out her wand. Had she ever used magic in this class before? Eden couldn't remember, but here she went--"ADHERO!" she cried, and the spine and everything all stuck together. Now for the decorative pages. Eden folded those, too, and put them in the proper spots with the 'adhero' spell.
Lookin' goooood, McGee.
She bounced in anticipation for the next part.