Thread: The Observatory
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Old 06-13-2015, 03:20 AM   #15 (permalink)
nicole black
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
ruari fuller-thompson #FFA3D2
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Desdemona M. Evans #6082B6
First Year
you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.

Originally Posted by Marion Burbage View Post
Marion had mostly been keeping to herself recently. Gliding about the corridors and occasionally eavesdropping on a group or pairing of students who seemed to be buzzing with some juicy gossip to help make her feel alive. More than anything, however, she longed to get her hands dirty in the Tower Patch. Perhaps plant a new bed of flowers beside the pathways or trim some of the bushes into affectionate topiaries. But her desires were for naught as her hands would simply go right through any tools she dared try and hold.

"Oh goodness gracious HEAVENS above," she lamented as she floated up through the floor of the Observatory. "Why oh why oh WHY...are you such a STUDMUFFIN?!"

Forgetting her woes once again, Marion quickly glided over towards the young man and promptly interrupted her reading. Had her loud entrance not done so already.

"Well, helloooooooooooooooooooooo and GOOD evening to you, young man."

Oh were she alive, 50 years younger, and not already married to the love of her life!
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
Cutty entered the Observatory quietly. Stargazing, in a non-academic manner seemed almost frivolous and wasteful, but he was here to give it a shot. Two of his friends had done it and one had enjoyed it enough that it made her top five favourite things list. It was his own way of doing research on them. Ahead of him he could see Anderson-Belfort flirting with a ghost...No, the other way around. Damien would never flirt with a ghost, unless he wished to end up like her. Not a bad plan, but not one Cutty could see Damien going for.

"Eh, he's alright." He said pulling up behind the flirting pair. "Whatchyer got in that pipe, Abey? Fire? Lightning? Or just ordinary bubbles?"

Damien had just been minding his own business, chilling out and thinking and then quite suddenly he was being catcalled.... And it was... By a ghost? Well... It was not the weirdest thing to ever happen to Damien Anseron-Belfort, but it was definitely up there.

Stud muffin, tho.

"Uh, hey, good evening." Damien said, inching his head in greeting and chuckling lightly as the ghostly lady approached him, she wasn't bad for an older dead woman, not really his type, but he certainly wasn't about to be rude and shoo her off. He was about to ask her how she was, but quickly thought against it... He presumed that dead people didn't much like that question.

Thankfully, his awkward pause was interrupted by none other than the slippery Cutty Mordaunt. "Just alright? I'm wounded, dude." Damien laughed, the sound was bright and cheerful despite his murkier thoughts and it showed just how charmed the lion's life was. "No, just bubbles... I considered the lightning, though." He nodded, and for added effect he took a draw of his pipe and blew out silvery grey bubbles.

the moon:

feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
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