be curious, not judgmental Even though she had tried to do the right thing and let the man go back to his book, he was speaking up again, and Sophie's jaw clenched, her deep chestnut eyes never leaving the piano keys. Her playing slowed at his words, and eventually she stopped completely, chewing the inside of her bottom lip as a nervous habit.
He... was concerned? About her? But she thought he didn't care much for his students, except academically, but... this sounded like he was worried about her, as a person. But maybe it wasn't that at all. Maybe he was concerned that she was a Dark witch in the making, not concerned about how she was dealing with false accusations. The former made much more sense, actually, and she was less touched at that notion. It was easier this way, than to think he was worried about her and instead believe it was concern for her future. It was the much more logical option.
She waited to see if he would go on and say something more, but that seemed to be it from him, and Soph just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't have an ounce of Darkness in me, professor. The fact that the article made out someone as awesome as Professor Dakest to seem like some kind of criminal is laughable, and so is the way they turned my wanting to help people into something bad, too. No one who knows me would be mad enough to think I'm a Dark witch in the making, and... I've never gotten Dark vibes from Professor Dakest either. S'just silly, the whole thing." Sophie turned her body to face Flamsteed now on the piano bench, looking at him for the first time since she began talking. "I am little worried about them ruining my reputation with the wizarding world at large for the future... but I think anyone with a brain would read that thing and know those are false accusations, don't you?"
There were creases in her forehead and her eyes were hardened with worry. He would be honest with her, wouldn't he? Did she have something to worry about moving forward? Were people going to hear the name "Sophie Brown" and think badly of her after an article like that? Or did he think there was truth behind the article, and that Dakest WAS trying to brainwash them, and she DID have to worry about this whole thing?
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