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Was he alright? WAS HE ALRIGHT?
Let's see...his private life was still in shambles and neither he nor Medea were quite sure how to pick up the pieces. He had falling behind on his research and was about to miss an important deadline. He HAD missed a deadline for Astronomy Now. Oh oh oh...AND PEBBLES WAS STILL MISSING!
Nostrils flaring, he took a moment to fuss with his tie and count to 10 in Klingon before addressing the Gryffindor. "Yes," he said calmly as his hands returned to his side. "If you ignore all the Missing posters, that is."
Which he wasn't. Were you?
"This particular one was about exoplanet research, specifically," he explained as he looked at the cover once more. "Whenever it is you do, I expect a signed copy to add to my collection." Which primarily comprised of quidditch memorabilia at the moment, but it was slowly expanding into other areas as well. "Is that what you stopped by to ask me? About the magazine cover?"
Oh, Yoongi had seen the fussing with the tie and looking as if the man were about to either cry or yell, perhaps a combination of both? And it did not make him feel comfortable at all. Especially after his cryptic message about missing posters. Should he lie and say yes, that he had seen them? But then he would risk having to tell what was on the posters and he had no idea. Or should he tell the truth and ….how fast could he run? He hated running but he was pretty fast… Then again, he was curious. He didn’t get the name Curious Yoongi by his friends at home for nothing.
“I haven’t ignored them…I just…didn’t …see them?” good answer , right? …right? Please?
……….exoplanet research…. Sounds…boring. But the Gryffindor nodded as if it interested him and when the conversation went back to the more important things , like magazine covers, he looked like he was paying attention again. And he gasped instead.
“I haven’t thought about my authograph! I must practise that!” and he had to BUY a signed copy if he wanted one. No way he was going to work and not earn money from it.
………………okay something was REALLY wrong with the Professor. As an astronomer he had to have a good memory right?
“uhm…no….” he answered slowly and looking at the man almost suspiciously. Was this one of those, constant vigilance moments? Although he did not grab the wand in his wrist holster, Yoongi did hold his right arm stiff at his side so that it could fall in his hand the moment he had to. Ay, he had heard enough about how crazy Hogwarts was!
“I just told you why I’m here a minute ago…” more suspicious looking
“Should I go and get someone? The healer ? or maybe Professor Culloden , he could make a potion or something…..the Headmistress? Preferably her, you know, pretty , hehe” did he just say that out loud?!
“I’ve come here to get my pet rock, remember?”
Old age was catching up with this dude.