Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Norah busied herself with recording the lines and lines and LINES of notes about what history was. Apparently history was a whole lot of things. She marked the beginning of each aspect with a tiny sparkly star 'till she practically had a whole entire galaxy. Professor Flamsteed would be so proud.
She put her quill down to wiggle the fingers of her right hand just in case they were thinking of cramping up (fingers could by moody like that), as she listened to Professor Glendower introduce the next question. Illuminated manuscripts? She sure hadn't heard of those. The fourth year half-raised her hand just to give it a try. It couldn't hurt to guess, right? "Is it history involving....light?" She DID know what illuminated meant, so that kind of made sense. And light was pretty important so it's history should've been too.
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