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Jessiqua Zhenya had worn some warm clothing and gone for a walk around the grounds. It was lovely and cold, but she was rugged up with a winter cloak, a beanie, scarf and gloves. It had been time for another break from studying, and Zhenya just loved to venture out of the castle to walk her stress off.
And then she saw Adi, and smiled. He was just there, his back to her, but she knew it was him. So, she quickened her walk to a run and gave him a big tackle hug. "Who are you talking to Adi?" she asked. Did he have a two-way mirror or something? Cool!
It would have been super cool if Pride could talk back. Adi missed Gus even though he did not understand the toad's croaks. But he was not going to ask Benny for Gus back. No. He was still seething that his best friend (or was it ex best friend?) thought he was a liar. It was the first time Adi had really felt angry at anyone and it shocked him. Did being a thought of a liar hurt that bad? Sigh!
"Don't you ever have a best friend, Pri-''
Something squishy was tackling him! The Hufflepuff, caught by surprise, stumbled forward and almost lost his balance. Who was it? Was it Benny suddenly being playful? Nope. It was a girl's voice. Zhenya's to be exact. He couldn't help but grin.
"Heya, Zhenya! How goes it?'' Adi hugged his friend. "I was talking to my pet rock.'' He held out Pride.
"This here is Pride. Pride, this is Zhenya, my fart buddy.'' Hehe.