~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ He didn't push the coffee, and instead retracted it back to his place setting. The folding which the other Professor had engaged in was enough to catch all his curiosity and then some. Never one for origami, Sabel couldn't tell what it was, even when it was finished.
Under different circumstances, he would have asked. As it was, it was all he could do to keep from regarding the man with a completely unimpressed look. "I imagine I'm about as much a rock-napper as you are a murderer."
This broken mess of a man, hardly struck him as such. Then again, there was a certain madman who had thing for orange hair. Supposedly it took all sorts to make the world go round. Perhaps this was one of them.
But then, there was the fact that Quigley's tale was downright ridiculous, and Truebridge would have said something. Others would have said something. As it was, the greatest concern seemed to be who was passing and failing, rock disappearances and now the Cult.
Which meant that whatever it was that had been brushing the wrong way between them, had to go. Turning in his chair, Sabel faced the Astronomy Professor fully. "Would I be wrong in suggesting that you have something on your mind that you'd like to say to me?"
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ ![](http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag302/Tazenhani/Amur%20Neverwinter/Amursiggy4thyear_zpsvej2lrgq.jpg) _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |