Post 2 Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee So now she had a red tie. Pseudo-Gryffindor. Basically a lion. Dot tied the tie around her head and did a victory pirouette. Around and around and... oh, right. She was still practicing the spell. Very serious little future animagus at work here.
Ahem. How about a Hufflepuff party now? If red was possible, then surely Dot would make her tie turn to yellow. Double ahem. She removed the tie from her head and set it back on the desk in a messy red squiggle of fabric.
"Colovaria," she pointed her wand at the tie and thought about yellow things. The sun and a snitch and daisy-bellies and baby ducks. Yellow was soft and spring. Yellow yellow yellow. The tie went from reddish to maroon to orange to orange-yellow... to yellow. YELLOW, FOLKS.
"Badger Dottie," she whispered, draping the tie around her head again. Victory dance?
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |