Apollo was the BEST, man! THE BEST! And they could eat their apples! Yaaaay! AJ must be pleased though not as pleased as Adi was now. He happily bit into his apple. Omnomnom. Food and story time. It didn't get better than this! Ooh! Daedalus and Icarus! He knew of this myth... or a little of it at least. Poor Icarus...
So since he did know this myth, Adi continued to eat his apple while his fellow Hogwartians gave their answers.
CrunchNomNom! CrunchNomNom! CrunchNomNom! When it seemed as though the answers were drying up, Adi swallowed the bit of fruit in his mouth and raised his hand.
"Icarus flew too close to the sun with the wings causing the wax to melt and he fell into the sea over which they were flying.'' Right now, that song by Bastille was playing in his head.
"Icarus is flying too close to the sun and Icarus's life, it has only just begun...'' Greeeat! Now he wanted to go listen to the song.