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Old 06-02-2015, 11:44 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Alfie Adair
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
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Default Potions #3 & Toddles, sincerest apologies, he's under the influence of a v bad potion
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

SPOILER!!: uh oh this can't possibly be good
Originally Posted by Toddles View Post
Toddles was in the dorms cleanings yes Toddles was. Toddles walks his little feetsies down to the lion's den. Toddles notices studenties and Master Zander. Toddles sees Master Zander. Toddles grins and must says hi to Master Zander. Toddles wants to knows if Master Zander has any candies. Toddles sees Master taking potions and Toddles not knows whats it is. No Toddles does not.

Toddles goes to clean couches of foods yes Toddles does. Toddles notices new studenties as wells. Toddles never seens befores no Toddles not.
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake View Post
So clearly, Zander in his current condition was DANGEROUS. First, he announced that he needed to take out ALL HIS RAGE on someone. And that someone, at the moment, had to be Natalia, because she was his one and only partner. She couldn't exactly blame him for being angry, because she chose to brew the potion.

Glaring at the prefect with a bit of confusion on her face, Natalia began to notice Zander's rather rapid change of emotion. Was the fluctuation... normal?

Natalia knew that since he was bound to feel angry, she should react more... passively around him - but this was easier said than done. Her enthusiasm made him want to punch something? WELL HOW RUDE. Instead of growing annoyed as she usually would have been, the Lioness continued to carry that bright smile on her face and giggled - half reacting to Zander's red face and half for no reason. GIGGLES.

Oooh... an ELF! A HOUSE ELF!

Completely ignoring her homework partner, Natalia sprang up from her seat and rushed over to the house elf in such a hasty manner that her left shoe flung off her foot and flew Merlin-knows-where (Zander's lap? Dunno). Never mind that now, because NATALIA HAD NEVER SEEN A HOUSE ELF BEFORE. EVER.

"Aww... you're SO CUTE!" Natalia approached the elf and poked him slightly on the nose. WHEEEEEEE. SHE JUST TOUCHED A HOUSE ELF. "What's your name? Why are you here? I though house elves weren't suppose to appear in front of people? Are you in charge of the Gryffindor common room? Do you change my bed sheets? You do my laundry right? YOU'RE SO CUTE."

Okay, Natalia must've really screwed up this potion because Zander was getting this anger stuff in waves. And not the good kind of waves either. When they died down he felt calmer, but still angry. And then there were the TIDAL waves that hit all at once bringing a flood of RAGE. It could probably be seen on his face too, as he kept glaring and then going back to an annoyed expression just to go back to GLARING. It was more confusing than anything else, but also very ANGERING. He was in a RAAAAAGE. So much angst. Zander angry. Zander SMASH. Ahem.

And that giggling. It was making things TEN TIMES WORSE. Incase Nat was wondering, y'know. The more she giggling the angrier he got. "Could you quit that!????!!" SWEET MERLIN. WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY???

He hardly even registered any emotions when Nat sprung up from the couch and ran towards Toddles (oh hi, Toddles sorry for what's about to happen this is all out of his control ahem). And then... The shoe flew up into the air and Zander couldn't do anything about it before it hit his stomach, nearly missing his head on it's way down. OH THIS WAS WARRRRRR!!! The Gryffindor jumped up from the couch, shoe in hand and STORMED all the way over to Nat and poor little Toddles. "DID YOU THROW THIS AT ME?" Um. It was more of a demanding, angry tone that it was an inquisitive one. Basically sounding more like a 'YOU THREW THIS AT ME' than anything else.

"AND YOU," he pointed the shoe at Toddles in the most accusatory manner. "I haven't got any chocolate frogs for you to take." Was he glaring? He was so glaring. Uh oops. "I was just trying to do my homework and you both had to interrupt me with YOUR stupid giggling YOUR impeccable timing,"... *mellow*
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