Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator
Henric stopped short in his steps.Uh what happened...where was he..why was he...what..who..? This was the right classroom right...he squinted his eye sto try and spot the professor...ohh there he was,staring down below seems like.Henric yawned and headed to where the rest of the group was. He slept late again last night trying to catch up with homework and stuff. Urgh...the life of a student was so hard sometimes.
He approched the professor and greeted him with a sleepy smile,"Morning Professor...brilliant scenery,are we spotting dragons today."He had no idea why he was saying that...yup he hadn't woken up fully,alright.He yawned again before leaning back on one of the wooden pillars.