~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Step, step, annnnnd shuffleeee into the classroom!
No. Wait. WHAAAA?!
Had Adi somehow sleep walked all the way out to the Grounds or something? Because this was clearly NOT the regular Charms classroom though he was THRILLED to be standing at his favourite place at Hogwarts, the Wooden Bridge. Orrrr an imitation of it or whatever this was. And it was warm! Where was the cold he loved so much, yo? O__O
But yesh, it did seem he was in the right place. Look! There was Quigley, Kace, Norah, Toby, Puck, Eden and Sophie. "Hiya, guys,'' he said to his friends. "Hello, Professor!'' Woah! That was quite a bit of apples he had there in that barrel! Quigley must be in Apple Heaven! "I brought you an apple.'' Adi held out a usual yellow apple for Catman to take before moving off to stand next to Kace.