Originally Posted by
Optimist Okay so she might have been a bit late…but c’mon they were in the second floor and stairs were evil. Seriously, they kept moving on her and bringing her the wrong way like it didn’t want her to meet up with Kace at all…brilliant.
“Hey,” she muttered panting slightly as she got there. “I had to take five different corridors to get to the right staircases,” she groaned and took a deep breath coughing a bit. “I promise I’m not out of shape but seriously when I was on the fourth floor the staircase stopped mid movement...and then stopped on the wrong side so I had to run around the third floor to get here" she groaned and finally sent him a grin.
“So what potion did you make?” She asked excitedly.
As Kace was exploring the corridor a little bit more, he heard someone huffing and puffing down the hall. He turned around and noticed Puck was coming down. He laughed at her because it was just Puck ya know? Of course she was late because she messed up.
"Easy there Puck.." he told her.
"It is fine just remember to breathe is all. Do you need water?" he asked concerned. Man her cheeks were really pink. Now onto the task at hand,
"Oh I made the Happiness potion. What did you make?" he asked excitedly back.
"I mean I am not gonna lie I am quite concerned for these side effects." he chuckled hopefully Puck felt the same way.