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Emms Simon turned around to see where Ian was pointing and noticed the carving. Wow. That was pretty impressive. He didn't think that someone would actually do that but Ian seemed like a bloke who would TOTALLY do that. Simon shouldn't have expected otherwise really. He examined the carving. His eyes widened and then he chuckled. "Merlin... That's dedication, mate," he said as he scooted out of the way so Ian could sit in his spot. "Your spot."
And when Simon had relinquished the seat, Ian had picked up HIS detective notebook. He had had that notebook ever since he came to Hogwarts. It contained countless memories, quotes, and snippets of clues. "Hold up, that's my notebook with observations. Be careful papers could fall out. Those are really important, " he said as he tried to reach for it.
“Observations?” Ian raised an eyebrow, using one hand to hold the notebook open while the other held Simon back. Eagerly, the boy’s brown eyes scanned the doodles, notes and scribbles, trying to make some sense of it but with little success. “What kind of observations?” There was no mention of note-worthy observations here - there was no mention of a single girl! If it wasn’t the girls, then
what was Simon observing?! Ian’s tiny mind couldn’t wrap itself around it.
Simon was observing the
guys! Ian did see some guy names mentioned in the scribbles.
“Aw, dude, seriously?” Disappointed, he unceremoniously dumped the notebook back on Simon’s lap. “So that’s what you do on your free time? Write about guys in class?”
Ian wasn’t one to judge, to each his own, but geez could the Slytherin be any more boring. >_______>