½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf He got thumbs up for his leafy wooden cube-ball thing. Awesome.
And then to put him out of his misery, he didn't NEED to know how to perform the spell, cause they were moving on. Awesome. Good. Great. THANK MERLIN.
Zeke sat and listened to the next myth-story-thing. It was interesting, but he couldn't say he could empathise with it. Weird is what it was. Imagine if he had to marry anyone who beat him in a race? Marriage was supposed to be about love and family and things, not just anyone who was more athletically superior to you, or LUCKIER than you.
Nevetheless, he had a feeling he knew this one.
Hand raised, Zeke voiced his thoughts. "It could be one of two things, Apollo," he informed matter-of-factly. "My bet is that it would be a charm, because charm's adds properties to an object, like in this example it would be attraction. OR, alternatively, the same or similar thing could be achieved with a potion, but a charm would be easier."
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