Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
"Thanks..." Benny said, not sure what to make of the mention of being a tattoo artist. The flames were simply symbolic of dragons which we wasn't going to try drawing on his can. As for tattoos, the only one he ever had was a temporary one from that fair he went with Angel to.
Wagon are Full?!
The look on his face was total confusion. "Nope...that wasn't it," he said to Henric without the telephone cup, shaking his head at the statement. Benny nodded at the request to repeat it, making sure the string was taught once more before speaking, "Dragons...are...cool." Each word as clear as he could get it as he spoke into the can like he was supposed to. Hopefully it worked a little better this time.
Henric heard it well this time, did Benny say DRAGONS?! He waited for the next words and piece them all together.
"Dragons are cool!"Henric exclaimed out Benny's message to him. He looked up towards Benny,
"Oh! Yes, they are brilliant!"Henric agreed, giving him the thumbs up again.Benny really loved his dragons and so did he.He should send a message back too,
"Okay Benny,I will try communicate with you next, see if you can catch it alright,"he shouted across towards Benny.Oooo...it was getting fun! Henric started by saying his thought of words into the can,
"Dragons...love...to...eat...meat." He wondered if hia voice was clear enough to be heard.
Their class had ended, time to pack up and move on to the next class.
"This is really cool...here Benny, you can have it,"Henric handed his can over to him.He could make them easily by himself without using the hammer and the nail again, no big deal.
"Its really nice working with you Benny,lets be partners again some other time too,aights!"Henric smiled at the older student. He grabbed his things and said his goodbyes to the Professor,
"Thanks professor! See you again next time!" before heading out of the classroom.