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Cinna didn't notice the place on her forehead until she seen Zhenya rubbing it. She knew when the fear of the hammer came from now. So yeah, a bit more understanding of it. Anyway she waited until the other girl looked ready before she poked the whole in can with the nail. She laughed when the other girl used both hands, Okay,"I'll count to three and hit the nail with the hammer." She raised up the hammer not to much because she really didn't need to much power behind it. "Okay.One... two... three..." She tapped the hammer to the nail. There can number one was poked now they just had to do the another can and tie the string and they could get started using their phones.
Zhenya smiled when Cinna laughed at her holding the nail with two hands. It was a new skill, she just wanted to be extra careful.
"Okay I'm ready," she said, still smiling. A nervous smile. Zhenya's head counted down with Cinna, and Zhenya kept reminding herself NOT to flinch, not to pull the nail away, not to move her hands. If she did, it would definitely hurt. She'd have to put her trust in Cinna. And after Cinna brought the hammer down and Zhenya felt the nail pierce through the tin, she was relieved, taking her hands away and pulling the nail out.
"Cool!" she said. She didn't want to hammer the next one, especially not with Cinna's fingers involved, so she got the next tin ready with the nail just like before.
"Do you mind hammering this one in too?" she asked.