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Cinna. That's right, Zhenya had heard that name before. "Hi Cinna," she said with a smile. It was a nice name, it reminded her of cinnamon. Cinnamon was goooooooo. Smashing fingers wouldn't be nice, no. Hitting her head was bad enough. She rubbed a finger over the spot on her forehead and it felt a bit tender, but not too sore. Hopefully it wouldn't bruise. Zhenya reached out to hold the nail carefully. OHHHHHNOOOOO! She held it with both hands, not wanting to slip. She couldn't want to get rid of the hammers and not use them again. The string bit and the practicing bit seemed like the fun bits of the project.
Cinna didn't notice the place on her forehead until she seen Zhenya rubbing it. She knew when the fear of the hammer came from now. So yeah, a bit more understanding of it. Anyway she waited until the other girl looked ready before she poked the whole in can with the nail. She laughed when the other girl used both hands, Okay,"I'll count to three and hit the nail with the hammer." She raised up the hammer not to much because she really didn't need to much power behind it. "Okay.One... two... three..." She tapped the hammer to the nail. There can number one was poked now they just had to do the another can and tie the string and they could get started using their phones.