SPOILER!!: Luxxx! <3
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Yeaaaaah, her parents were awesome. "At least no one let you hurt yourself this time." And that was the important thing because otherwise he'd have to go to the Healer. Healer Murdoch was nice, but getting hurt wasn't. Lux was hoping to go the whole term without needing the Hospital Ward.
They were going to try her phone first, and that sounded like an awesome idea! Giving her partner a thumbs up, she took the other end and moved away as far as she could. Now the string was taut and they were ready to go. "Heelllllooooooooooooo." she called into the tin can. Haha, she was being silly and talking like he was far away from her.
"Yup. Even if I did, you would help get my wailing and screaming self to the Hospital Wing,'' Adi kidded. Hehe. Wailing and screaming. AS IF! He was no wimp. Anywayyy, he waited patiently while Lux move away as far away as the string would let her.
He ACTUALLY ‘heard’ something! Just like Moxley had said! Honestly, Adi had no memories of the results of the thing when he had made it as a kid so many years before but he could certainly hear Lux’s drawn out greeting although it was a tad low and distant sounding. He grinned and flashed back his friend a thumbs up.
His turn now to talk now! Adi motioned to Lux that he would switch the roles by placing his end to his mouth.
“Hiiii, Ariel!’’ Hehe .A little something for he fondness for the Mermaid.