Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Apollo <3 he's adorbs!!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Apollo nodded at Zeke as he spoke up. “Yes! Transfiguration is probably the first and MOST important part of the magic involved in an undertaking like this--” and as Zeke continued talking, he thought the boy was bright. VERY bright, clever, and was coming up some interesting things to think and talk about. “Dark Transfiguration…” Interesting. “Hmm. That’s...fascinating to think about. I think the magic involved is definitely not JUST Transfiguration, you’re right.”
He was quite impressed, too, at the kid’s question. He stamped a blue sticker right on Zeke’s forehead. HEHEHE. “OH. Well. They were completely and totally turned into trees--immortal trees, apparently--and so I think...yes. The wood COULD be used for wands….what an interesting….wand that would be.”
FASCINATING. He even held out another sticker for Zeke.
Apollo winced but turned to staaaaare at the child. “Oh. Apollo is my favorite character of mythology. My real name is….I prefer to be called Apollo.” There were many reasons why he liked just going by APOLLO. Hmph.
Did she have an answer to his question? No?
This one was quiet. Apollo smiled encouragingly at her...she could speak up if she wanted. But if she was feeling shy, he would totally respect that, too.
OH! Apollo probably should have asked about the face sticking. OOPS. “Oh of COURSE, son!” he was so SORRY PLEASE DON’T BE MAD, YOONGI. But the man nodded at his response. “Yes--very good--that is the most important part, yes--the Transfiguration.”
These kids were right on the ball, really!
He...tentatively placed a blue sticker on the edge of his desk. Ahem.
….and Apollo sliiiiid right onto Zhenya’s desk, smiling. “Well. You know. She was a priestess for Athena first, and she was beautiful….and then Poisedon took a liking to her. Poor Medusa...she didn’t stand a chance--she married the god, and Athena CURSED her….to look ugly...and made it so that no one would ever admire her beauty again.”
Pity. Apollo thought it was so cruel and SAD.
And Zhenya’s response was REALLY FASCINATING. So much so that he summoned his notebook from his bag and scribbled it down. “Oh--you now, Zhenya--I had never thought of that--but that certainly...is an interesting idea. You’re on the right path, you know, with the DNA stuff--that’s more of a modern idea, especially with muggle science--but this is a MODERN magic course--a potion that morphs DNA would certainly have...done something to the couple to turn them into trees. It’s not what we’re focusing on today, but that...that is brilliant!”
Apollo was learning stuff. And that was how he knew this seminar was a GOOD thing..because you teach and learn...and they were learning, and teaching him. It was a give and take relationship, this was.
Apollo thought this was an interesting question. “Well. I assume that...it’s a way for them to live forever? The trees stayed there forever...so yes, they did escape Hades, in a way. Also, I think they didn’t have a choice, really--Zeus kind of just...did it.”
Was that an answer? Hmph.
Henric got another STICKER! RIGHT ON HIS CHEEK. RED. “Well, they could have, but I’m not sure they...thought about it too much, you know? There’s something...very sacred about trees, especially to the Greeks and Romans, so they would have thought the becoming of trees as a very sacred and rewarding experience.” Apollo smiled and nodded.
WAIT DID HE WANT ANOTHER STICKER? Apollo smirked and stamped a purple one right next to the other one already on the boy’s forehead.
HEHEHE? SEE? His stickers were appreciated.
Obviously, eh? Apollo thought Adrienne was VERY cheeky. He wandered over to her desk and raised an eyebrow. “Yes. The mental capacity--is a very important factor here. However….” he thought he’d ask Miss Adrienne a question. “When a human transforms into an animal...the mental capacity decreases….but when a person transforms into an object, like a tree...while there is still life….trees don’t HAVE a mental capacity. So…” he held out a sticker for her to take, noticing the crumbled up one on her desk. “So...that might actually take a whooooole lot of skill and a bit more than Transfiguration eh?”
He would go into that in juuuuust a minute though. “Very clever, Adrienne.” He smiled. She was smart. They were ALL smart, and Apollo wanted to cry.
Awww. This child...she was so innocent. It was adorable. Apollo just smiled her way and held out another sticker for her. A blue one. “Well...I don’t think Zeus was too...keen on consent.” Ahem. “But--but--I suppose in REAL life turning people into trees would be kind of rude if not done under consent.”
HEH! She was talking now! Apollo nodded as he stick a red sticker right on Unicorn’s forehead. Apollo wasn’t sure if her name was really Unicorn, though..but he was calling her what she wanted to be CALLED, clearly. “Great! Yes! That’s--similar, yes!”
Apollo headed over towards Nemo and STUCK a sticker right on his forehead, a purple one. “Charms? Interesting. I believe that charms might be part of it, yes--very good-”
SUCH SMART STUDENTS. Apollo would have to brag to their headmistress how….well, he was so impressed. Great kids. Great minds.
Apollo saw Brian’s quill in motion and wondered if he was taking notes...hmm..until he saw that he was drawing the trees...AWW! BLESS HIM! Apollo stuck a green sticker right on the corner of the page, beaming at him, before moving on to another quiet one...
He had stuck it on his nametage? Oh that was a very clever idea, indeed...nothing to say? Apollo just smiled encouragingly at him.
“You’re welcome. Don’t lose my hat--it’s VERY valuable--” he gave the boy a small wink.
..Apollo's hat sometimes liked to be lost.
OKAY. No one else had any input? Apollo thought it time to move into the first activity. “Very interesting discussion everyone! Okay. As you’ve heard now--the theory turning people into trees is a very complicated one. Eventually, if you simply...transformed a person into resembling a tree...the magic would wear off. Some of you mentioned animagi--well, when you turn into the animal, you are merely…” how could he put this? “Turning into a very human VERSION of the animal...because you still have all of your human thoughts. If you were to TRULY turn into an animal…...you’d think exactly like the animal, and nothing more.”
How did this relate? “Similarly--” he walked to the front of the room, and perched himself next to the table with all the mugs and bouncy-balls. “If I wanted to turn any one of you into a tree-it would be no EASY task. As I was mentioning to Adrienne--” he smiled at her, “Transfiguration, as almost all of you have caught on, would be the MAIN component of this magic. However, I would need to take their thoughts ability away, too, for them to TRULY be trees. Get it?” he bounced a little in excitement. “Now...that is magic VERY advanced...far too advanced for people your age--but no matter! We’re going to conduct a very SIMILAR demonstration today--on these!” He held up one mug and one bouncy-ball in each hand. “We’re going to turn these inanimate objects into trees. It’s not QUITE the same--but the same general IDEA is there. They’ll be little trees...ones that you all can take with you when you leave. or...turn them back into the bouncy-ball or mug and keep THAT.”
He eyed the chalk on the board moving around, writing, in bullet points, what he was saying. “The spell is pretty tricky, because it’s a spell developed pretty recently in terms of...well, spell development.” Apollo always found older spells just sort of...stuck better. “The wand movement is a double jab--” he demonstrated for them with his own wand. “And the words are: immutare arbore.” The chalk wrote the words on the board. “Let me repeat how that should be said, please. This spell comes from the Latin--” he cleared his throat. “Immutare--to change. And Arbor is tree.” He wanted to write on the board the pronunciation for them.
The chalk began to scribble the way to say the incantation: Im-mue-tar-ay ar-bor-ay. “I want each of you to pick either a mug or a bouncy-ball to transform. There is no difference in difficulty level. Some of you may not get the spell the first, second or THIRD time...but...that’s okay.” He smiled. “I have faith in all of you.”
He grabbed one of the mugs and set it on Hady’s desk because she was near the front. “Immutare Arbore!” he cried, jabbing his wand twice at the mug. The spell zoomed towards the mug, and slowly, the mug began to grow branches...and roots...until...it was a fully formed, mini tree.
How quaint and ADORABLE was this?
Apollo BEAMED and held it up. “THIS is what we want, okay? And if you can’t do it--you know what? It’s PERFECTLY all right! Now come come--let’s get started!” Hehehehe. Apollo LOVED watching students perform magic...and performing it WELL was another thing, too! OOC: OKAY! So, I can't really tell you guys how many posts you HAVE to do, since there's no points involved, BUT I would recommend one hefty post or two posts, but you can really do it however you want! Just have fun! The tree Apollo made resembles THIS...just without that pot it's in. <3 I'll post again in 24 hours or so. Soooooo, cool dude was also weird dude, which made him weird-cool dude... obviously. Zeke couldn't help but grin though, even when he got a sticker pressed to his forehead. Say what? Not to be rude, it left it there as Apollo continued to speak to him, answering his question and not just shrugging him off. The man was winning brownie points, could he PLEASE come and teach here? Like PROPER proper teach here? As far as he was concerned the man was super duper qualified. "Awesome," he uttered as it was revealed that wands were probably likely to have been made by the tree. Was there a way to confirm this? Could HE go and snag a branch to fashion a wand from??? Hhhhmm?
Nevertheless, after accepting his second sticker, and removing the one from his forehead, Zeke listened to some of the other discussions going around. Seminars were great, could they replace classes with these?
Eventually it was revealed that they'd be having a go at this transfiguration thing, and the fact that it was supposed to be 'tricky' put him off it. He already had trouble with transfiguration, he didn't need advanced stuff on top of that.
Either way, he was looking forward to getting his hands on a bouncy ball, and that he did. If anything, he'd walk out of the lesson with the ball, it was already a successful use of his time. Winning.
After repeating the incantation in his head, he gave it a go out loud. "Immutare Arbore.... Immutare Arbore.... Immutare Arbore.... Immutare Arbore...." easy enough. And jabbing, well, he was good at jabbing. Summoning his wand from his holster, Zeke pointed his Larch at the rubber ball, and then JAB JAB, "Immutare Arbore." The ball did SOMETHING, but not what he had intended. It was not a tree, but it was GREEN. So... improvement? "Immutare Arbore," he repeated, jabbing his wand at it twice again. Nothing.
Zeke repeated this action AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN, and AGAIN... until he was ready to give up. Sigh.
By this stage, his rubber ball was no longer rubber, it was wood - again, this was an improvement, but it still wasn't a tree. And on top of that, he had managed to produce TWO leaved on the thing. Sigh.
Deciding he'd give it ONE last go, he braced himself, inhaled a deep breath, held his wand steady, focused on his ball of wood becoming a tree... and.... "Immutare Arbore," he stated clearly and calmly, jabbing his wand at it twice.
And nope... not happening, the ball of wood simply sprouted one more leaf.
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