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Eden was terrified of that.....goblet. She was glad when Toby shrunk it because......fkhgiurhtilhg. She turned her head to face away from it and just blinked a lot. "Well. How traumatizing..." she said softly, before squeezing his hand. Poor Toby. "We'll be all right, Tobes." She tried to smile encouragingly.
"Come on..." and she tugged him gently, and they would KEEP walking...this had to be over soon, right? Eden was honestly very tired from this experience...hungry...thirsty again...ugh. She felt like this class had lasted HOURS...
She saw her. PROFESSOR BELLAIRE! She was relaxing--Eden squinted. "Toby................um. I...we somehow...have to....fly." She had...NO idea--she was thinking quickly. "We have to fly over there to finish--wait--didn't we transfigure those dragons earlier?" Eden glanced around. "What can we turn into dragons?"
"Yeah. Yeah we will."
Toby was GLAD Eden didn't mention that butchered spell too much. She was right, though. TRAUMATISING. He took a steadying breath and relaxed a little now it was all out of sight, reminding himself that it wasn't real. Which was a LOT easier to do when he couldn't SEE the things with his very eyes.
He was exhausted, completely and utterly. What was it with classes this year and leaving him just emotionally drained. Merlin. BUT. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, they'd not even walked all that far until Eden was speaking again. Toby blinked and focused and LOOKED and... Bellaire! That was her! They'd made it? Well, they were certainly out of the trees, stood at the edge of a cliff, and there was Bellaire, waaaaaay across there. All they needed to do... was to...
"Fly? Brooms?" Naturally, the first thing that came Toby's mind at the suggestion of flying was his Firebolt 600. But that was in his dorm (he'd continued to bring it with him to school every year in the vain hope that flying would be allowed again) and not here.
But no.
Dragons. Of course. Like in class last year.
"Yeah, dragons. Okay, so..." It probably didn't matter WHAT they transfigured it from, only that they did it well enough to get them across to the other side. Toby looked around at the floor, looking for something, anything that might work.
"Rocks," he simply said, finding a few scattered about. Once again, he let go of Eden's hand and shakily wandered over to grab the nearest two. Merlin, he needed some water and to lie down.
Handing one of the rocks over, Toby managed a smile. A genuine one.
"Nearly done." He set the rock down on the ground.
Sheer will to complete the task was probably what made the spell work in the end, rather than any amazing amounts of focus. Toby watched as the rock morphed into a tiny dragon - he didn't know what breed, but it was still rock coloured.
"Engorgio." It swelled in size, and Toby didn't lift the spell until he knew it was big enough to carry him across, keeping in mind what Quigley had said last year about there being a limit to how much something could grow before... something unfortunate happened. He pet the dragon, then looked at Eden.
Toby was. Toby was so ready. To pass out, mainly, but also to finish this class for the day. He was