Post 3 ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 With Lux sitting beside him, she and Adi were able to show Zhenya just how to use the hammer. Oh, yeah! He had almost forgotten the part about being cautious with the fingers! But Lux had covered that. "Yeah, Lux is right. I once thought I had smashed the bones in my thumb when I was younger.'' It was totally his dad's fault for letting a seven year old play with a hammer. Or so he remembered his mom shouting at his dad. Hehe.
The boy laughed. "You sure are! Did they teach you to hammer in The Little Mermaid movies?'' He was teasing his friend, of course. Sooooo, holes in the tin cans poked? CHECK! "String's next!'' he stated happily and grabbing his piece. Using one end of the thing, he threaded it through one of the cans and tied that end in a nice big knot to secure the can. This was super easy! Adi repeated the step for the other can.
Annnnnd.... DONE!
"One phone ready for long distance calling!'' Or even short distance calls. LOL. Ouch!
Lux winced as Adi shared how he thought he had smashed his thumb. "Gosh, I wasn't allowed to use a hammer when I was little. My parents always did that for me." Look at her now, hammering away with the best of them. Hopefully there would be no injuries today, but it was okay since she had experience.
Oooh, he had discovered her secret. LOL. "Sebastian taught me. You remember Sebastian from class during Fourth Year, right?" That had been one of the best Ancient Runes lessons ever because she got to be a princess even if it wasn't Ariel. She would have been the best Ariel ever, and the only time she really got to be was because of that stupid evil book. Lux hated that book. At least she never had to see it again.
And it was time for the string!! She was so ready for that because her second tin can had a hole in it. Grabbing her piece, she threaded it through one of the holes before securing it with a snazzy knot. The same thing was done on the other side and voila. Tin can phone. "Let's test these out!" |