Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin As Moxley checked everyone's sketches it was now time for activity time. He saw the diagram what they were going to do and that was soo old fashioned. He laughed with the coolness of it. This is what he used to make as a child. He remembered trying this with his cousins. He knew how to make these easily. He began to scribble it into his notebook though...
Kace copied it down and saw he needed to get the supplies. He went to the front of the room and saw he needed two metal cans obviously. Then he got his string. He also got the hammer and nail. He went to his desk and made a small hole into the can like he did in the old days. Then he did it for the other metal can. He strung the string through it and tied it at the bottom. There now that was perfect. He looked around and wondered who would wanna be his partner. Puck sat there and wrote down the notes of the names she knew, well some of them she did the others…well, lets face it she hadn’t learned everything all the others had. It was kind of the curse of growing up immersed in the Wizarding world all of her life.
Still she was excited, intrigued really at the idea of making can phones…this could be fun. Walking over to Kace she just grinned. “Partner?”
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |