Phase 5 (phone wouldn't let me quote anyone sorry :c) Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Hady could hear Maggie asking about transforming the giant spider into a goblet and for a second she nearly laughed. She could picture a Hugh goblet with hairy spider legs in her mind and she inwardly cringed.
Shaking her head slightly to clear her thoughts she took a deep breath as well. No, no the spider was pretty much done for. They really didn't need to do anything else to it but get the heck away from it! Far away and fast. The tugging at her elbow was a blessed feeling and she let herself be pulled away quickly following Zeke without question.
Wherever they ended up now certainly had to be better then the spider task. And then they were at a cliff. Not a small one either. Glancing over her shoulder to check for Maggie and Brookly, Hady then looked to her bestie with a bright grin and a nod of her head as she comfirmed, "Dragons!"
Checking the area around them it wasn't hard to find a decent sized rock. So was so ready! "Dragonifors!," She recited clearly and firmly pointing her wand at the rock and proforming the proper movement. Instantly the rock began to shake and transform into a Green Welsh Dragon. He looked just like the one she made last time.
Grinning at her little dragon she just needed to make him grow larger. With the correct motion of a wand and a soft "Engorgio" casted at he dragon she kept her eyes on it as it grew larger and larger. Perfect. Could they fly now?! |