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Old 05-28-2015, 07:17 PM   #112 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alessandra (Alli) Whitt
First Year
Default actually did not know that they had captioned telephones
Tricksy Hobbitses

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
SPOILER!!: Tophie, Lux, and the Wizarding World/Muggle World comparisons!

Yes! YES! This was what Moxley was talking about. She was all about the students making connections between the muggle world and the wizarding one, as that was what she was trying to make them see each time she taught, that the issues in both societies are the same, even when we have different ways of dealing with them. ”Excellent thinking Ms. Brown, Mr. Fuller Thompson, and Ms. Carrington! In both muggle and wizarding society, communication is vital, sometimes for our survival. As Ms. Brown mentioned, before telephones, handling emergencies was quite difficult. As many doctors made house calls, if they weren’t in the immediate area, getting word to them and having them arrive in a timely fashion wasn’t always easy. In this way, telephones were extremely important to muggles. They connect people directly to help, no matter how far they are from medical facilities.” Nod. Nod. ”And as Ms. Carrington pointed out, with telephones, one could put connected to whoever they needed to speak with quickly, just as we can when we use two-way mirrors.”

"Mr. Fuller-Thompson brings up another great point about the wizarding world compared to the muggle one. Here, we still rely on owls to send messages, much like carrier pigeons were used as far back as ancient times in the muggle world. While magic allows us faster methods of communication such as mirrors, floo, and patronuses mentioned, if we were to lose magic for some reason, we’d be left to rely on more archaic means of doing things than those in the muggle world.”

The Ravenclaw and the Hufflepuffs received big smiles and a nod of her head. Moxley was impressed by their thinking.

SPOILER!!: Communicating with people at greater distances!

”It has already been mentioned that to get in contact with someone before telephones, you needed to rely on mail delivery or in-person communication, both of which weren’t always done quickly. I think Dot summed it up quite well when she said that telephones made the world smaller. It allowed people to communicate with others from across town, or across an ocean. I do think this made it much easier for people to move away from home because they’d still be able to make contact whenever they needed to hear the voice of someone they were missing. The telephone provided comfort in that sense.” As for Norah’s question, Meredith smiled. ”As Tobias mentioned, electrical devices don’t function well at Hogwarts.” Which was why owl delivery, as well as the other means mentioned, were what the students and staff relied on.

SPOILER!!: Alexander, the deaf, and telephones

Moxley smiled at Ophelia, happy to see that her mind was working. Her questions were valid, though Meredith didn’t feel she could really speak for Bell. ”It is interesting, Ms. Clarke. All I can say is that perhaps Bell was interested in communication in general, and that is why his journey lead him to work with the deaf, as well as invent something for the hearing.” And she had more to add but Ms. Guidry chimed in to provide the answer Meredith was going to share. ”Indeed, Janelle! These special telephones are called captioned telephones, Ms. Clarke. They have a screen which shows in text, everything that the person on the phone is communicating. ” Unfortunately Moxley didn’t know much more than that but she could certainly find reading materials on it, if Ophelia was still interested.

SPOILER!!: Easier to pass news along to people

Indeed! Moxley nodded her head, agreeing with the students as more answers poured in. ”Yes, passing on news was certainly made easier with the telephone! Both in the sense that you could communicate it quickly and in that it saved you the physical effort of having to write to, or go and see, the person you needed to speak with.” And no, that didn’t mean people were necessarily lazy. Who wanted to walk miles and miles to share that they were having a baby or whatever? Certainly not her.
SPOILER!!: Made it so you didn’t have to see people, if you didn’t want to

Well, weren’t these kiddos a happy bunch? Moxley tried not to smile, she really did, but she was so amused. Any prank calls received in the future at her residence- because of course she had a phone, hello!-and these would be some of the prime suspects. Well, if they were savvy at figuring out her number, anyway.

”The telephone is definitely a way for people to get messages, sometimes unpleasant ones, across without the caller having to see the callee. It also means a quicker way to end said communication without having to actually deal with the consequences. In this way, some could say the telephone is a negative thing. Sometimes people might be emboldened by the fact they aren’t actually seeing the person they’re talking to.” Just a thought.

SPOILER!!: Technology, some pros and some cons

And now some pros and cons provided by the students and elaborated on by on Meredith Moxley. You’re welcome.

”The invention of the telephone had a domino effect, if you will. It inspired many other inventions that came after it, leading to even new ways to communicate today. Mr. Hughbert mentioned that one can call on the phone and have food delivered to your home but now, not only can you call, but you can also use the internet to connect you to restaurants and place orders. You don’t even have to talk on the phone anymore to communicate something like that. Also, things like cellphones, a portable version of home phones, have been constantly revamped so that they can do things like update you on weather, the events going on in the lives of your loved ones, and even act as a tracker to help locate you, or a stolen item you left your phone in. It’s all quite amazing the way the inspiration from one invention can create a ripple effect you’ll continue to see years from that first stone tossed into the proverbial water.” Nod. Nod.

Pausing to let everyone catch up on notes, Moxley gave an encouraging smile. She knew this was a lot of information to take in.

”Now for the cons. Yes, all of the technology sometimes means people focus more on their phones than what’s going on elsewhere and that can be an issue. I don’t think that necessarily makes them stupid and would like to say that instead, perhaps phones can be a bigger distraction than some can handle. Also, they allow people access to your life. For example, dealing with people who’ve gotten your number and sold it to persistent businesses looking to rope you into something you’re not interested in. There are always drawbacks to new inventions and those are just a few.”

And that was a lot of information, Merlin! Time for Moxley to give her voice a rest for a bit! The brunette went to her desk and pulled out an enlarged picture, turning to then fix it to the white board.

"Now I'm sure all of you are getting tired of my voice," Moxley joked, a big smile on her face. "So I'd like everyone to take some time to copy down the image I've put up on the board. Now this is obviously not the most up to date version of the telephone but it will be helpful to you when doing your homework. So everyone, get started on that and then we'll move on to our activity!"

OOC: 1 post for this will do! Just have your charrie copying down the diagram as best they can! It's up to you whether or not you wish to actually use paint or another method to actually draw it out. I'm not requiring it <3

WOAH, they had captioned phones? Okay, so that was cool. Man, muggles were interesting, if you forget about the no magic part that was kind of a huuuuuge roadblock. Maybe that's why they keep inventing things. Because they didn't get to do all of this cool magic stuff like she did. For a second, Ophelia felt sorry for muggles, not learning how to Transfigure things or learning about Ancient Runes. But the feeling was fleeting, and it passed like a bad stomachache. They got along well enough, from what her dad said. Even though their technology was a little funny sometimes, they still had their ways of doing things.

She wanted to make a comment about how cool it was that they worked around disabilities like that and how cool was it that such a disability didn't stop people from using the telephone, but she stopped herself. It was the middle of class, and you just didn't talk in the middle of class. Class was for learning things, like captioned telephones and such. Not for making comments about said captioned telephones.

Anyway, copy down a picture of the telephone. Oh, you were about to see the best picture of a phone in the history of pictures of phones. Wait. How long was that history again? Couldn't be very long, right? Ophelia imagined that not many people took pictures of cell phones or telephones back in the old days, especially not when they were sooo plenty. But anyway, it was drawing time, which so happened to be the thirteen year old's favorite time.

A line here and here
another line there that curved inward
a curve to start and......
No, the cord of the phone didn't look like that at all. Sigh.
Fix that
add a bit here and there
maybe subtract a bit there
add a little bit here


Her fabulous drawing of a telephone was done! And it looked pretty good. Now all she had to do was diagram it. The blonde was almost sad to have to do such a thing, seeing how nice her picture looked, but the short girl figured she could always draw another one again and shade it. Maybe she could make a poster with telephones floating on a...... pink background. It seemed like something that would be in her room anyway.

Fighting off a writers cramp in her left hand, Ophelia got to work diagramming, looking back and forth several times between the pictures and her own. Diagramming was tough work!

People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away.

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