please don't let me be miunderstood
There was A LOT of information to go through. While many students groaned at reviewing the stuff they already knew, Leah took notes eagerly. She wrote down EVERYTHING, including the bit about a stone being tossed into water. This telephone thing was simply fascinating. She rarely got to use one, and the only time she had a chance to see a real life telephone was in her friend's house ages ago. That one was probably older than the one in the picture, though. Like it was TINY. You could fit it in a hand and things moved whenever you touched the screen. To be honest, it was quite annoying.
After giving her hand a short rest, the Fifth Year began to copy down the image as best as she could. She sketched out the... the base before moving on to the handset, display and other equally interesting parts. Also some cute little arrows labelling each bit. When she was finished, her dark brown eyes scanned her diagram. It looked COOL.