Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quill in hand Hady quietly took down some notes making sure to properly list things on her parchment as they were said. Keeping things clear now would save her the trouble of finding what she needed later on. One never really realized how many types of telephones there truly was until it was written down.
Apparently now though she needed to draw. Well alrighty then. Taking out her ruler and some more ink colors she got to work carefully making each line. She took her time with making the buttons and then the spiraly cord before she took to labeling each part. Even if she knew what this was Professor Moxley had said it was needed for homework so the third year did her best to keep it neat and clear.
With that done she pushed her parchment to the side and waited for the lesson to continue. |