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Old 05-26-2015, 10:23 PM   #10 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Okay, they could walk and talk, that was fine. As long as young Mr. Mordaunt could keep up with her long legs... Annie kept the pace conversational, however. "Which plant in Greenhouse Four would you be studying?" she side-eyed him regarding thing one. Thing two, though..... had her stop walking to take the photo.

"Oh Merlin," the Headmistress murmured, immediately handing the photo back to Cutty as she averted her eyes. "That is certainly not a school uniform. Goodness. You probably should have gone directly to Kitridge about this, or Tanner, since she's the assistant head...." What to do now. Annie seriously did not want to call Eden back to her office AGAIN. She didn't get along with the girl and didn't like talking to her one on one, which made her want to not deal with this at all...

Although the more she thought about it, the more she realized she should probably look into this. "Is this the only photo she sent you?" She held her hand out again, palm up, signalling for the photo now that she had thought about it, and had thought about why Cutty had come to her rather than any other staff member.
"The flesh eating fairy orchid." He answered quickly, realizing the conversation was progressing as was their motion. He liked harvesting their resin for potions uses. Professor Bentley had taught them they were useful for alleviating stomach problems and he wanted to see what else, if anything, they could do.

His long, monkey-like fingers gripped the photo securely once more as the Headmistress handed it back to him. He listened to what she was saying about Kitridge and Tanner and he considered telling them both as well. Although the photos, they should go to the highest authority and in this case, that was the Headmistress.

"No, there are more." He said placing the photo firmly into the peaches 'n cream palms of Truebridge. "I threw the first one into the bin, booht the others are bach in me common room."
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