Lux was definitely on to something there. Those were not nice pet eyes. No. They were hungry eyes and the spider obviously meant business because it was not backing down. It made AJ think that maybe this was the kind of spider she needed on her unicorn capturing adventure. Of course she would have to be able to figure out how exactly to ride it without losing a limb. Why did life have to be so hard?
Even though AJ's arrows had missed the spider was starting to slow down because Lux came through and she actually hit the target.
"Nice shot." It didn't look like the spider was actually down for the count yet. This one had spunk and AJ admired the spider for it even if he just tried to make a feast out of the both of them.
"Inflecto Telum!" she shouted, and watched as this time the arrows made a direct hit. That was better. It was always a good feeling to get the spell work done correctly.
"You know maybe we should be extra careful with this one." Did AJ just actually suggest that they be careful? Was the heat getting to her brain? Maybe. More likely she just wanted to make sure that they didn't ALMOST finish and then the spider come back and end it all for them. That would be unforgivable.
"Incarcerous." There.
"Just in case." They had to be getting close to the end of this thing by now.