C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Walking and drinking from his piranha goblet, Cutty made use of the trimming charm and karate chopped with his wand to make it through some of the thicker, over-grown brush. "Flipnsnipwitit." Karate!chop. "Flipnsnipwitit." Karate!chop again. Greeting him on the other side of the dark brush was a rickety old bridge.
Cutty refilled his goblet, drank down 3/4ths of it and splashed the rest on his face. It stung in parts where the bugs had bit him. He looked out on the bridge for a long while before picking up a rock and skipping it across the suspension structure. It did not snap so easily as he thought it might, but he'd be reinforcing it along the way. Cutty took the first step onto the bridge.
"Revelio.", he said testing the bridge for traps. Was it not meant to snap at a certain point? Could you step into something invisible and get stuck or fall? Would one of the steps be only an illusion? It wasn't that he didn't trust that bridge so much as he trusted his teacher to do her job well. "Reparo." He aimed for the railing ropes that helped suspend the bridge every meter or so. "Reparo." He made sure they were tightly wound and the fibers re-inforced.
He continued in this manner until getting to a missing plank. He stepped over it. A method that worked...at first, until he saw a stunning gap between himself and the rest of the bridge. What was he meant to do? The planks weren't broken, but totally not even there so reparo wasn't feasible, not without exhaustive measures to repair the entirety of the bridge and with the sun setting Cutty Mordaunt had no time for that. He could've engorgio'd himself so that it was only a skip, but calculate that carefully. If your growth was such that your weight had caused you to fell the bridge before you were tall enough to cross the gap it wouldn't be at all a practical solution. Nar. Something else...
"Geminio." Cutty aimed his wand at the last plank present. It shook violently as if being boiled before replicating itself along the bridge and forming another step. The snake took an affirmative step onto the new plank and repeated his action. "Geminio.", he said as he realized there were quite a few to make. He knew how to flip this spell into it's evil twin and turn it to it's ad nauseam curse counterpart. So he did and remained on the step before the last as each plank shook and replicated itself. He took that moment to refill his water and take another drink. When the curse had run it's course he crossed over to terra firma and undid it. Let whomever should come next do their own work.
How long had that bridge been? Cutty found himself in fast approaching total darkness. Time to find a shelter. Nearly everything in the jungle that could kill you was arboreal to some extent. Alas, Cutty did not know this as he spotted a liana vine hanging from a cypress. "Vinea Funiculus." He pointed his wand at it and let the magic do it's thing by changing it from tender live material into coarse rope.
He fastened one end of the rope to the tip of his wand and aimed at the area above a thick and high bough. "Inflecto Telum." He watched as an arrow snagged one end of the rope, slinging it over the bough. On one end of the rope he tied a broken branch and with the other end he tied a series of knots. Cutty stuck his foot into the second knot and coiled with his legs around the rest of the rope. His wand in hand he took aim at the branch he spoke the incantation to make it larger. "Engorgio..." The rope straightened and grew more taught. "Engorgio." His body clung tighter to the rope as he rose further and further upwards quite quickly. "Engorgio." He was hoisted once more closer to the bough. Cutty used the rest of the knots to ascend the little way more to the bough, which he climbed onto and had a seat. He severed the rope with a, "Diffindo." so that he would not need to pull the now log-sized branch up with the rest of the rope. Once he had it gathered, he tied one end to the bough on which he planned to take a break.
The night sky fell over the obstacle course and through the thinnest crack in canopy Cutty could see the myriad of stars shining overhead. He sat up alert when he felt something touch his trouser pocket. His hand immediately went to it. He held and poked it through the material to see if it would move or bite and when it did nothing he reached in and removed the hard little object to reveal and small phial of essence of murtlap. He uncorked the bottle and began dabbing the essence on his face and the backs of his hands where the insects had bit him.
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