SPOILER!!: Lux <3
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Hehe, Lux smiled at Kace. She liked talking about her future career plans. They made her even more excited and she couldn't wait to be out in the real world. "I'm not really sure if I will become a potions master, because I don't think I am a very good teacher." Bay was much better, and her favourite teacher ever. He has helped her with things in the past even when she didn't really need much help. She just loved him helping her. "I'm trying to learn enough to keep inventing potions." It had been so much fun working on the one she created last term!
Putting another marshmallow on her stick, Lux snorted as he told her that he wouldn't let Emmy kill her. "I won't let Bay kill you either." Haha, jokes. It was nice to know that they had s'more dates because they were amazing. S'more friend dates were pretty awesome too, but then she liked friend dates in general. Dates with Bay were obviously her favourite though.
He wanted discounts? Well, why not. "I'm sure that we could work something out. I want to be able to visit your dragons." Preferably when they were younger and less deadly. Lux wasn't stupid, and she didn't want to die. "Travelling sounds amazing." Smiling, she watched the fire and removed her marshmallow when it had become hot enough. Carefully she assembled her s'more. "I've been thinking about a career since I was like 12, but I started off wishing that I could be a Quidditch player." Yeah, that dream didn't last long...
Kace snorted at her comment and he thought she would make a great potions master. "
Well I think you would. I mean Professor Culloden thinks very highly of you. I think you would be a great teachers. I mean bloody merlin Lux you teach me things with the homework assignments.." he told her. I mean that was the truth right there. Aaahh she wanted to keep inventing potions. He wondered how that was going.
"Is that going well for you? Developing potions?" he smiled. I mean that must be hard work. As he began to roast his marshmallow and he saw it was golden brown, he ate it off the stick. Yuummmyyy. Time for another marshmallow.
As he put another marshmallow on, he snorted with laughter when Lux promised Bay wouldn't kill him. He nodded and began to roast his other marshmallow.
"Well I hope Bay wouldn't kill me because I am one of his bromance lovers.." he joked of course. I mean they had something going on. Lux and Emmy were jealous of them at some point. Aaah she wanted to visit his dragons? He nodded and he didn't see why not.
"I mean I don't know if they will allow you but I can probably pull a few strings but if not I will send you a lot of pictures I promise." he said and held out a pinky for the pinky promise. You never break those.
"But if my dragon burns my camera I am not held responsible.." he added that in.
At her comment at traveling sounds amazing, he nodded and stared into the fire of all the possibilities of countries he could visit when he started working with animals. He came back to earth when Lux mentioned she wanted to be a professional quidditch player. He snorted with laughter and covered it up with a cough. He didn't mean to be mean to her. No no no anyone can dream.
"I mean I had that wish too and look where I ended up.." he smirked. "
I ended up wanting to work with animals. I think the quidditch business is too competitive." he told her honestly.